Chapter 42 - M.I.A.

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Chauncey sat at the hospital, spending time with Tina's little girl. The baby slept for the most part, but Chauncey decided to hold off with the DNA test until the baby got settled. 3 days later, Chauncey and Tina's family was able to take Baby Cheyenne home. Exhausted and sore from giving birth, Tina's father welcomed Chauncey back into the home to get comfortable. They hadn't bought a crib for the baby, so they had to settle for the things that were bought from them themselves.

And Cheyenne, kept Chauncey up all night.

Cheyenne woke up every two hours, crying out and calling for her mother to come and assist her with what she needed. First it was for a feeding, then it was a diaper change, then it was for another feeding. Chauncey got up at 4:35am, feeding Cheyenne again. Having to breastfeeding her, Chauncey had to go through the agonizing and tiring pain of feeding her for the third time. After almost 20 minutes, he pat her back a few times and heard a loud belch from her.

"Damn." Chauncey chuckled. "Aight."

Still wrapped up in her blanket, Cheyenne yawned, looking up with her cross eyed eyes. Chauncey scrunched his eyes a little, pulling back the covers and glancing down at her three small fingers. He watched as her fingers wiggled, then wrapped the blanket back over her. Chauncey took a small q-tip, swabbing the inside of her cheeks and placing it into a small plastic bag for the upcoming DNA test. Chauncey took his cell phone, glancing down at the adoption agency card and calling the number.

"Michigan Adoption Agency center where we take every 24 hours, how can I help you?" A man on the other line asked in a kind tone.

"Hi, I'm here to call about an adoption for my daughter." Chauncey answered.

Meanwhile, Liam hadn't been to the camp since Wu kicked him out. Also, he hasn't spoken to his father or Tina since then. Something else he hasn't spoken of, was the camp itself. Even though he hadn't spoken to his father, he received constant reminders from other close relatives that Liam would go down with everyone in the camp if he gave word about it, which is why he continued to keep his mouth shut.

Recently, Liam's mother has fallen on tough times. Being that Wu was so involved in putting so much money into the camp, he started sending his wife less and less every month. Since him, Dèshi, and his mother were threatened with eviction, Liam took a job and worked at a local Starbucks to help pay the bills. He'd been working there for 2 months and making a good profit out of it. While working there, Wu became friends with a black man named Raymond and a white girl named Destiny. These two had no idea that Liam was the son of one of the biggest terrorists in their generation.

"Authorities have reported that the Wu kidnappings have recently stopped. The last kidnapping was of that of a 25 year old girl named Penelope Yearns. The woman was last seen leaving her job, when witnesses reported seeing her get inside of a Uhaul truck. She hasn't been seen since." The woman on the TV inside of the Starbucks said. "Just because the kidnappings have stopped, doesn't mean that investigators are done looking for Wu and his handful of terrorists. If you have any information, please call the number below. And remember, stay safe and don't go with anyone that you don't know."

"That's a shame that they still have to tell dumb ass adults not to go with someone that they don't know." Destiny scoffed as she wiped the counters.

"Exactly." Raymond laughed as he stepped out. "Those dumb asses deserve what they go-"


Raymond and Destiny jumped as Liam gave them a furious look.

"No one deserves to be captured and possibly tortured! You don't know what those people are going through!" Liam snapped. "It's NOT funny at all!"

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