Chapter 26 - Farewell.

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The next day, Tina woke up in a nice comfortable bed. When she felt around, she lifted up to see her hot pink blankets that coated over her pink sheets. As she felt around, she noticed the acrylic nails that she had on her fingers, which was from the nails she got done with her friends. She quickly lifted up in the bed, looking around to see where she was.

She was home.

Tina gasped loudly and jumped out of her bed, feeling and touching all over the dressers, carpet, etc. It felt entirely too real to be true. Finally, Tina looked in the mirror and noticed something else that made her day.

She was back in her own body.

" can't be!" Tina whispered loudly.

Tina started tearing up as she felt in her hair, touching all over her face and smiling. She ran onto her bed and started jumping up and down, cheering herself on. She threw her arms into the air and jumped over and over, until Lela decided to say something.

"Tina, keep it down!" Her mother called out.

Tina was so happy that she didn't care about her mothers demand. Tina sat down on her bed like her mother asked, cracking a small smile.

"Yes, mother." Tina said lowly.

Tina laid back, placing her arms out and looking up at the ceiling.

"I'm in my own body." Tina whispered, staring up at the ceiling.

Then, someone knocked on her door. When she lifted up in her bed, it was someone that she was anticipating the whole time.


Tina's face went blank as he shut the door, walking up to her. The two stared at each other for a few seconds, then started kissing out of nowhere. Though she only knew him for 2 weeks, she didn't care. She wanted him, and he wanted her. As they both crashed onto the bed, they quickly started to take each other's clothes off to get right down to business. With a bra and no panties on, Liam snatched off his boxers and slid inside of her, noticing that something was wrong.

"Tina." Liam grinned. "You're not wet."

"I know." Tina sighed. "Sorry."

"Are you that nervous?"

Tina blushed, covering her face.


"Don't worry." Liam winked. "I've got it."

Liam spit on Tina's clit, soaking it up as he started thrusting in and out of her. After moaning, scratching, and grunting for 5 minutes, Tina started to reach her climax.

"Oh my.......oh my......" Tina moaned loudly as she dug into Liam's back. "Liam!"

Then, it happened. She woke up.

Tina jumped up from her same one person cell, looking around. She thought that this was all a nightmare. In the cracked mirror that was right next to the toilet, Tina inched close to see who she could see in her reflection.


Tina started to tear up out of frustration, crouching down on the floor and covering her face. She let out a loud scream as tears jerked from her enraged eyes, lying back down on the cold hard cement floor.

"I want my body back!" Tina yelled. "I want my damn body back!!"

And while in a mans body, she couldn't make love to any man she wanted, she couldn't have any desire towards any men, and she couldn't be herself. She was more than likely going to be Chauncey, forever.

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