Chapter 7 - RoofieD.

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Curious and wondering what the note was about, Chauncey continued to read Tina's note.

"Chauncey is a boy who has been my best friend since freshman year. Everyone else in class was picking a family member, relative, or a loved one who passed away, but I chose Chauncey because he's the only person who has been there for me since day 1. We're very close friends, and though I have a lot of female friends, not one of them compares to him. He listens, understands, and though he doesn't do it towards a lot of females, he treats me with the utmost respect. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for him, and someday, I'll plan on telling him this when I'm a little less corny and a little bit more forthcoming.

Still, I think that our bond explains that in its own way."

Chauncey cracked a small smile, feeling all "giddy giddy" inside. He was happy to know that when everything else was going wrong in his life, he always had her to run to.

As Tina slept in Chauncey's bed, Chauncey heard a knock on his window. It was 1:45am. She yawned and opened the window, noticing that it was Dave and Kevin.

"Kevin!" Tina smiled. "Oh my gosh. Hey!"

Tina froze, clearing her throat and looking down.

"I mean.....Hey Kev. Hey Dave." Tina said in an exaggeratedly deep voice. "What are you two doing here?"

"Step outside." Dave whispered as they jumped down of the small ledge.

Tina didn't feel like it, but she wasn't doing anything else. In some of Chauncey's Nike pajamas and a pink bandana on his head, she walked by the car and gave them a weird look.


"Get in the car." Kevin said.

As Tina sat in the car, the boys shut the door behind her, got in the front seat, and pulled off. Tina's eyes widened as she glanced out the window behind her, then turned back to them.

"What the hell are y'all doin'?" Tina scowled. "Where is y'all taking me?"

"To Jenna's party you halfwit! We just talked about it 2 weeks ago!" Dave chuckled as he drove off into the busy streets. "Where the hell yo' head be?"

"Huh??" Tina said in a nervous tone. "A-Aye, I need to get home b-because my mother could-"

"Boy, please. Yo' mama don't even notice you gone." Kevin chuckled after Dave. "Since when does she punish YOU?"

"You guys couldn't let me get dressed in the proper attire?" Tina whined.

"It's just Jenna's, dickwad!" Dave smiled as he pulled onto her street and into her packed driveway. "Besides, she got some of her slutty bitches over there so maybe we can get our dicks sucked by one of them."

"Are they girls??" Tina gasped loudly.

Dave and Kevin turned around, giving Tina a weird look.

"Nigga, what you expect?" Kevin laughed. "A BOY to suck yo' dick?"

"Nah I was just......trying to make sure ain't no gay niggas up in there." Tina stuttered, cleaning herself up. "You know how THEY are."

"Well don't worry, it's more straight than the beard line-up on Drake's face." Dave said as him and Kevin opened their doors. "Let's go."

"Technically, that isn't a good line-up." Kevin mumbled and laughed lowly as he shut the door, placing his hands into his pockets.

When they arrived there, the house was packed with a tad bit more boys than girls. As Kevin and Dave moved around, introducing themselves to their friends, Tina stood there like a deer caught in headlights. She had no clue what half of these boys names are, considering the fact that she never hung out with them. While she stood there, she felt someone grab her hand and start leading her upstairs.

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