Chapter 21 - Eye to Eye.

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As the men started burying the next day, the heat increased by 20 degrees. It was 105 degrees. And the body count of the people that they were burying, everyone wiped the heavy sweat off of their bodies.

"When are they gonna get some showers for us?" One of the men complained. "We stink!"

"We haven't showered in 6 months." Another one of the inmates sighed. "We ain't getting clean no time soon."

As everyone dug two holes for the dead bodies, the same men who were chatting giggled a little, cracking a small smile.

"So how you keep yourself clean, James?" Another one of the men smiled.

James, was the name of the black man who tried to convince Tina and Tito to stay in the room two nights before. He was 62 years old.

"I save all of my water bottles and use them to clean myself when everyone goes to sleep." The man nodded. "It's the only way you can keep yourself clean."

Adam scrunched his eyebrows, scooping some dirt to the side as he gave the man a funny look.

"I never thought about that." Adam said.

"Yeah well it also helps keep ya' teeth clean. I use the sheets to brush 'em." James nodded. "As for my water-bottles, you gotta save about 10 of them. I take a few small sips to keep myself from being thirsty."

"So, how do you necessarily "clean" yourself?" A white man asked as he stood behind the wheelbarrow.

"I use the bounty napkins." James shrugged. "From dinner."

"Ew." Some of them chanted lowly.

"Aye, look at my teeth. And notice how I have the healthiest skin here." James winked. "That's better than nothing right? Plus, that's how some of these people died in here. Cleanliness is next to godliness."

"I'd sneak out of here and shower at a motel right now." Tina sighed as she wiped her forehead. "It's almost worth the risk."

James shook his head, shoveling the hole again.

"You might not wanna do that again." James said, shaking his head. "That's how your friend got killed and you almost passed away, youngin'. Sneaking outta here."

Dave scrunched his eyebrows as he stopped shoveling, slowly dropping his shovel and staring down at the ground.

"Wait a minute, I thought that you didn't know how Tito died?" Dave asked.

"I never said that, Dave." Tina snarled. "What are you talking about?"

"While we were all wondering where Tito was that morning, you said that you didn't have no idea." Dave groaned.

"And I didn't." Tina scowled lowly. "After I was grazed in my side, I fell and blacked out."

As Dave gave Tina a skeptical look, Tina placed one of her arms on the top of the shovel and placed her other hand on her hip.

"What, Dave?" Tina scoffed at him. "You don't believe me?"

"Wait, y'all were going to leave us?" Kevin asked, standing all the way up.

"We were going to leave to get help!" Tina scowled. "What the hell are you guys on me for?"

"Well then why didn't you tell us that, Chauncey?" Adam snarled. "Why didn't you tell us when we was asking?"

Tina didn't say anything. She shook her head and went back to digging as Dave kept his eyes on her.

"That's because he wasn't gone tell us." Dave growled lowly. "Chauncey was actually gonna leave u-"

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