Chapter 8 - Con Artist.

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When Chauncey woke out of his daze, his mouth was covered by the Marcell's palms. He scrunched his eyebrows and felt his body rocking back and forth. He jolted up and glanced down, watching Marcell thrust a few times in and out of him. Chauncey's eyes shot wide open as he felt something warm shoot inside of the condom that penetrated him. Marcell took a deep breath, then collapsed onto top of his body. Chauncey had on a shirt, but no pants. When Marcell glanced at him, he pulled up his pants and threw the condom away.

"You slept like a baby." Marcell smiled, glancing at Chauncey as he laid handcuffed to the bed.

It was then that Chauncey realized what happen. Chauncey gave him a furious look, clenching his jaw and spitting in Marcell's face. Marcell jolted back and placed his finger into his eye, looking back up at him. Chauncey clenched his two front teeth and started breathing heavily and angrily.

"You son of a bitch." Chauncey growled. "You better let me go!"

Marcell smiled and started kissing him on his neck, when he kicked Marcell in the nuts.


As Marcell fell back, Chauncey squirmed around and snatched handcuffs and bars off of the bed. When Lela walked in, Chauncey looked up and gave her a terrified look.

"Do you see this? That nigga raped me!" Chauncey scowled. "Get these handcuffs offa me!"

Lela looked down at Marcell, then uncuffed Chauncey's wrists.

"Tina, go to bed." Lela sighed. "I'll talk to tomorrow-"

"Go to bed? Go to bed!?" Chauncey scowled. "Did you hear what the hell I just said?"

"Tina, I will talk to you tomorrow!" Tina scowled. "Go to bed! Come on, Marcell."

Chauncey gave them a terrified look as they shut the door on her, locking her inside. Chauncey banged on the door, kicking and beating on it.

"Get me out of this fucking house!" Chauncey scowled. "You people are fuckin' crazy! Get me out of here!"

As Lela and Marcella walked into the hall, they heard Tina's father coming home from work. With Chauncey screaming inside of the room, they had to think of something really quick that would shut him up.

"Shit! My husbands here!" Lela whispered loudly. "What do we do?"

Marcell jogged into the room, he grabbed a washcloth and placed it over Chauncey's mouth and nose. He scrunched his eyes shut, kicking and screaming even though it still sounded muffled. After kicking and inching around for almsot 20 seconds, Chauncey slowed down and slumped to the side, letting his arms and hands down. Once he was unconscious, they took the handcuffs off of his wrists, placed the covers over his bed, and made it look like he was sleeping.

Tina's father never knew what had happened.

Meanwhile, ever since Chauncey's father got home, Chauncey's home hasn't been a home. Tina could tell that the fear had been built up in Chauncey's mother and brother for a while. They never met up in their living room for "family" time anymore, and they always stayed locked in their rooms.

But not tonight.

"Chauncey, Renee, and Romeo. Get down here now." Chauncey's father demanded. "I made us dinner."

Terrified, all three of them walked downstairs immediately. At the table, was gravy smothered chicken, mashed potatoes, and salad. All four of them grabbed some plates and sat down at the table,  preparing to eat. As Tina reached for something to eat, Chauncey's father smacked her in the face.

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