Chapter 16 - Bolder.

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After the five of them climbed to the closest floor, all of them jogged to the closest employee. Luckily, there was a woman in the casino who was walking around. She was actually supposed to be on her shift.

"Excuse me, ma'am!" Adam panted as he ran up to her. "The ship is sinking! We need immediate assistance!"


"There's water filling the floor below!" Kendle scowled. "How did you guys not know that!?"

The lady's eyes widened as she walked down the stairs. As they followed behind her, they saw water rising up stair by stair. Her eyes widened even more as she sprinted past the teenagers, hitting a button that was right by the fire hydrant.

"Code red! Code red! The ship is sinking!" The woman called out. "Get to the nearest lifejacket that you have in your rooms now!"

As the alarm rang, Tina looked around and stared at the others.

"Guys, we've got to tell the others!" Tina said as she started running the opposite way. "Let's go!"

As the lady phoned the people who were operating the boat, she noticed that they weren't answering. She ran all the way up to the top floor and glanced out to see what'd happened. The crewmen were sailing away in another boat with all of the lifejackets aboard.

"They...........left us?" The woman whispered.

This meant that the ship sinking was no accident.

Meanwhile, Chauncey laid under the highway, watching cars go pass on the freeway. The lights from the front of the cars beamed and faded against his face as he slept under his road.

Now that he was alone, he was reconsidering an abortion.

Thinking about the fact that the child would have some sort of defect and that it's parents would be two people from the same family, he was wondering if he should just spare the baby some embarrassment. He pulled the white card out of his pocket, calling the number and placing it to his ear.

"Hello, Nancy's abortion clinic?" The woman answered.

"Hi, I'm calling to make an appointment." Chauncey said in a raspy and exhausted tone.

While this was going on, Tina, Kendle, and Chauncey's friends scurried throughout the boat, looking for the coach, Stanley, and Kevin. Everyone on the cruise was hastily packing their bags and other items so that they could hurry and get off of the boat. They searched throughout the casino, their booked rooms, etc, but still weren't able to find them. After running a circle throughout the chaotic boat and returning to their rooms, they saw the coach and Kevin packing their things.

"Coach! Coach!" Dave panted as everyone walked in. "Did ya' hear-"

"Of course I heard!" The coach scowled, still packing as fast as he could. "You don't think we heard them on the intercom?"

Suddenly, they heard a loud rumble from the far side of the boat. When Adam jogged and glanced out of the window, he saw the far end of the boat on fire. Adam scrunched his eyebrows, leaning back in and watching a few of the females walk inside of the room.

"Guys, this ain't no sinking!" Adam said loudly and breathlessly. "This is something else!"

"What?" Everyone mumbled at the same time.

"The end of the boat just exploded!" Adam panted. "This is planned!"

"Come on." Dave said as he pat Kevin's shoulders, watching the boys follow behind him. "We need to all start heading to the top of the boat."

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