Chapter 49 - Con Artist.

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"And you're sure that this place is the camp?" Detective Sing asked.

"I'm positive." Liam nodded. "I can give you the full background on it."

The detective wrote down what he said, getting up and walking out of the room.

"I'll be right back." The detective sighed.

While Liam waited inside of the room, he saw his phone buzz on the table. He looked down, sliding and unlocking it to see who it was.

It was Priscilla.

"Wanna hang out later?" The text read.

Liam smiled, picking up his phone to text her back.

"I have to see if I'll be busy." Liam texted back. "Otherwise, hell yes."

5 minutes later, the detective walked back into the room and sat down with his clipboard. He clicked his pen open, placing it on his legs and preparing to write.

"Tell me everything you know."

As the women came out to start building, the women walked outside as a new guard took the dead woman to the men's side for the burial. As they finished off the building, Wu walked out of the women's side and ate a loaded sub sandwich, eating in front of the women to get under their skin.

"So, have we figured out who killed my guards?" Wu smiled, laughing and eating. "Because the men are pretty pissed at you little scums!"

Pier and Wu laughed as a piece of meat dropped onto the dirt ground. Starving, everyone glanced down at the meat, licking their lips. Wu stomped on the chunk of meat and tomato, scrunching his foot harder onto it to smash it into the dirt. Sam glanced up at Wu, struggling to stand from the wounds on her back.

"That older woman killed those guards." Sam groaned.

"What?" Pier scoffed as he ate his sub.

Sam gazed out at the body of the woman she killed, squinting her eyes out at the men's side.

"She killed herself because she was too wallowed by guilt, and she was terrified of you guys." Sam said.

"Yeah, and you expect us to believe you?" Wu laughed as he nudged Pier.

"Psh. You really think that I would lie to you guys?" Sam scoffed. "I'm the only bitch in here who isn't afraid of you guys. Cut the shit."

Sam reached into her pocket, handing them a napkin.

"Here's a note that she wrote before her suicide, and the women in here and confirm it." Sam nodded as she turned back to everyone. "Right, ladies?"

The women that sat around glanced at each other, slowly nodding their heads.

"Yeah..." A few of them mumbled.

Wu snatched the napkin, giving her a blunt look and shoving it back into his pocket.

"Get to work." Wu snarled as he walked back into the building.

As Pier watched everyone, Sam crouched down and grabbed the muddy piece of salami and tomato. She tore a piece of the tomato off and blew a little bit of the dirt off, feeding a small piece to Lucillia. Sam smiled as she skipped over to Kendle, tearing the tomato and salami in half and handing her a piece.

"Here ya' go." Sam grinned.

As the other women started building, and having small chatter amongst themselves, Kendle looked down and whispered something to her.

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