Chapter 12 - Friendshipped.

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The next morning, Tina stepped downstairs into the kitchen. When she walked there, Chauncey's mother, sitting at the kitchen table. Tina stepped close to Chauncey's mother, she saw bruises, a bruised eye, cuts all over her face, and a busted lip on her. Tina covered up her mouth, rushing to her aid and placing her hands on the sides of her face.

"Oh my god!" Tina wailed out loud. "Renee! What'd he do to you?"

Renee shook her head, looking down at the table.

"I think he did somethin' to my baby......" Renee said as tears streamed down her bruises. "I ain't seen Romeo since yesterday..."

"Mom, we need to go to the police." Tina panted as she grabbed the home phone. "This is rediculou-"

"No no no no no please don't do that, Chauncey. Please!" Renee wailed out as she grabbed the phone.

"If we don't call the police then he's going to continue his behavior!" Tina snapped.

"He said that he knows where Romeo is!"

Tina paused, giving her a confused look.

"What?" Tina whispered.

"He said that he's going to kill Romeo if we contact the police." Renee panted. "I can't have anything happen to my baby, Chauncey. Please."

Tina didn't know if what Chance said was true, but she didn't want to take any chances. She teared up in anger and put the slowly put phone back on the hook.

She was starting to take in Chauncey's anger.

While she was at home, Chauncey was at school, eating lunch with Tina's friends. When they looked up, they saw Raoul, his boyfriend Daniel, and two girls placing posts on the wall. Chauncey scrunched his lips, looking at Tina's friends.

"Hey I'll be back, alright?" Chauncey chanted as he got up.

"Alright." The girls mumbled.

Chauncey walked up to Raoul as he passed out papers. Raoul gave him a blank look, then handed him a paper.

"Even though you a homophobe, vote for a petition to allow gay rights to be deemed appropriate at the school." Raoul mumbled as he looked away. "Thanks."

"Look Raoul, can I talk to you real quick?" Chauncey asked.

Raoul gave him a vile look, then strut from behind the table.


Chauncey and Raoul took a slow stroll down the hall as he turned to him.

"What do you won't?" Raoul snarled.

"I uh......just wanted to apologize for all the homophobic shit and slurs that I made towards you." Chauncey said in a serious tone. "I've um....been through a situation where I finally understand how you feel. Shouldn't nobody be treated like no animal just because of their own personal preference."

Raoul kept the same blank expression on his face, turning away.

"You accept my apology?" Chauncey asked.

"Mmm. I guess."

Chauncey glanced at Raoul's long nails, then looked down as they continued to stroll.

"Hey uh....I'm writing a story where a boy and a girl switches bodies, and the boy......he starts to like boys while he's in the girls body, but he doesn't want to switch back to being a boy because he's afraid of coming out and being gay." Chauncey said in a serious tone. "If you had to suggest what you think the boy should do, what would you say?"

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