Chapter 17 - Immagration.

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Tina and the others looked around as they were rowed in the small boat. They could see nothing but water and the small city that was a distance away. The second gunman sat at the end, keeping his shotgun on the teenagers to make sure that they didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Dave shook his head, looking at everyone else.

"What the hell is going o-"

"HEY! NO TALKING." The second man scowled.

And the whole time, the teenagers were forced to wait close to an hour until they got to land. Once they reached the dock, Wu woke Beverly and Tito up, forcing them off of the dock.

"Walk." Wu growled. "If any of you try to run, I'll shoot."

None of them understood their language. Once they turned around, Wu nicked the shotgun against their backs, indicating that they should walk. They started walking ahead to a van that had three men inside. The van was located in a desolate parking lot by the dock. The men opened the door as Wu held the shotgun towards them, watching them get inside. Once Wu shut the door, the men inside of their cars stuck the shotgun up on the lower parts of their seats. Kendle glared out of the window, then stared back into space.

"Guys, I-I think I know who these guys are." Kendle whispered.

"Who are they?" Everyone mouthed to her.

"I think that he's the terrorist we all talked about in Mrs. Yafers class." Kendle whispered. "You remember the Chinese man who's responsible for multiple kidnappings in the US?"

"Wait, that can't be hi-"

"It has to be." Kendle mouthed, interrupting Kevin. "Think about it."

Then, the teens pulled up to a deserted area that was right off of the city. When they looked to see what was ahead, they saw a private jet that looked like it was owned by a rich person themselves.

"Get out and get on the plane." The men demanded in their language, pointing the gun at them.

Not understanding what they were talking about, they got out and slowly started walking towards the plane. Beverly scrunched her eyebrows, stepping back.

"They're trying to kidnap us!" Beverly barked in a terrified tone. "I'm not getting on that pla-"

"Get on the plane Bev before they shoot you down!" Tina scowled, pushing her ahead. "Just cooperate with them so that we don't die in the process of doing so!"

As the teens boarded the plane, both men walked on and shut the door. Where was their destination?

Hong Kong.

The next day at school, Chauncey immediately heard about the news. Almost everyone at the school walked around crying, including Jordi and Lydia. Chauncey started panting heavily as he walked around, getting in touch with one of his friends that was off the football team.

"Hey Brian!" Chauncey panted. "What's going on?"

Brian wiped his tears, shaking his head.

"Everybody on the football team is dead, including the coach, Bev, Kendle, and some of the other girls that went on the trip too." Brian sniffed. "The cruise ship sank. Everybody on there died."

Chauncey's eyes widened as he covered his mouth in disbelief. Not only were his friends killed, but Tina was killed also. This meant that he would forever possess her body. Tears welled in his eyes as he stepped back, nodding his head.

"O-Okay....." Chauncey stuttered as he stared off into space. "Thanks."

Chauncey watched as a majority of the school walked around, crying and trying to compose themselves. Though all of his friends were "killed", there was only one person he was really hurt about.

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