Chapter 17 - No Promises

Start from the beginning

I miss my father. Especially with the founding of Sierra, it only worsened my agony.

Since Sierra was one of the many people behind my father's death.

I picked them both up and hugged them, the both of them sitting on my lap and also crying softly. I gritted my teeth to stop the tears as I looked at the picture frame sitting on the coffee table.

A picture of all of us as a family.

We stayed that way for a while until thunder crashed outside. "You both should go back to bed. I'll tuck you in."

Michelle pulled away first, clutching her pink bunny. "How about you?"

I smiled. "I'll be fine. Thank you." I held Michelle as Michael held my hand, leading them towards their room. 

I tucked them into their bed as they slept together. I pulled the blanket over them and they lay there, staring up at me with tired eyes. "Are you not going to sleep with us, Ava?" Michael asked, glancing at the empty bed beside theirs where I slept. 

"I'll sleep later. Goodnight, little brats." I grinned and pecked each of them on the head. I left the bedside lamp on since Michelle hated the dark and Michael insisted I left it on. I turned back to look at them, both waving their hands at me. "Sleep tight, kids."

"Goodnight, Ava."

I closed the door, leaving it slightly ajar just in case. I walked down the dark hallway until I passed by shelves with photos on them. I stopped and rewind my steps, looking at the photos of us as a family before Dad died. I didn't know how long I stood there but I eventually left.

As I entered the living room, I sighed and leaned against the wall. "How long have you guys been in here?"

Rhiannon rolled her head back, both her arms hanging at the back of the couch. "Since you left to put the twins to sleep."

Vern turned to look at me. "How are they?"

"They seem to coping just fine with this place. I can't say the same with Dad's passing though." I sighed, walking over to the both of them and crossing my arms. "I could sue the both of you for breaking into my house this late at night, you know."

"You wouldn't do that."

I rolled my eyes. "So, what brought the both of you here?"

"We're here to talk about Sierra." 

I clicked my tongue. "Straight into business, I see. Go on."

"What are you going to do now?" Vern looked up and we locked eyes. Rhiannon was also looking at with hesitance in her eyes. We didn't expect to see her this fast, not to mention she registered together with the both of them. Rhiannon had said that they didn't meet her when they transferred, so she probably registered earlier or later. I'd say the former.

I closed my eyes and leaned my body on the back of the couch using my arms, a sudden memory of  my meeting with Lucia a year ago appearing.

"I've already did my research, Ava."

I whipped my head towards her from across the wooden table. We were at the beach cafe at sunset and not much people were around, which was probably why she decided to talk about it. I narrowed my eyes. "About what?"

"Her." She said simply. She threw a folder over to me and I flipped it open, sending a last glance her way. Opening it up, the first thing I saw was the picture of a girl holding a gun. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"What about her exactly?"

"Her name's Sierra. Firstborn of De Costa's." She started, twirling the straw in her drink around. "Heiress to The Theater, the third strongest mob. Her alias is the 'Puppeteer'."

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