Chapter 4 - The hunt starts

Start from the beginning

Savannah filled us in. The alpha had caught a flight to South America, flanked by one person who to her looked like a professional soldier rather than the usual scared humans we were used to, and she thought it almost looked like he was being escorted there rather than going willingly. But she couldn't be sure. They'd bought a flight to Rio and had already left on a flight two days before. She was going to wait and see what my phone, with the tracking software, said before she bought tickets.

I moved as close as my instincts would allow and let her show me how to use it. Lucas was right, it didn't take much to learn, but then we were both similar ages and familiar with technology. We saw he was still in Brazil, somewhere further south from Rio, so she agreed to go get tickets. Clayton remained her they had to be first class. No exceptions. She nodded and slipped away, gesturing to a quieter corner she'd meet us in.

Clayton's body language with her was actually a little shocking, after spending nearly months alone with my pack, because no matter how much he knew her, Clayton still couldn't seem to bring himself to relax or trust her. When she was gone he steered me into the corner and we waited for her. Elena contacted me as we waited, letting me know she'd found some interesting stuff and wanted me to read it on the plane, so I started to download attachments onto tiny laptop while we waited.

Clayton as he stood there with his very 'social' scowl at anyone who came too close to help us. The poor airport employees were quick to back off again. I might have felt sorry for them another time but right now I was searching through the documents Elena had emailed me, the little laptop frustrating for me to use, trying to read about anything in South America that might be a werewolf sighting. Savannah waited in the line for all three of us.

I told him what I'd found and he nodded slowly, just a fraction.

"It's called a Lobisomem there. Most of what she found is just myths about how they're created, like if a woman has too many daughters and gives birth to a son, or that they change at a crossroads or need to run through a bunch of graveyards before they can change back..." I shook my head slightly at that. Clayton snorted too as he glanced down. "But there's one thing that might be interesting. There's a town called Joanópolis which has more sightings than any other. Called the 'Capital of the Werewolf'. Looks sort of the direction his cell was in."

"How far from Rio?"

I looked that up. Good old Google Maps, I didn't know how people lived without it. "Around four hundred and fifty kilometres. Um, so that's around a six hour drive. Probably longer if the roads aren't maintained as well as ours."

"We'll get something off road at the airport."

I nodded and found myself staring at the other myths. It was something that really interested me, as much as hypnotherapy did, and I used to love it when I was younger. "There's myths about men who turn into jaguars too. Clay, how many of these myths might be based on fact?"

"Humans can have over-active imaginations. But... it seems sometimes they're inspired. No one really knows what's out there still."

"I'd love to find out once life settles down." I said softly. I really did. Exploring the world for myths, seeing if I could find traces of them, using my new senses do it. Humans spent their entire lives trying and usually failing. "Australia has this thing called a yowie. Some of them are as huge as ten feet high, covered in hair, apparently stink like hell. But there's been a lot of sightings. And there's been sightings of large black cats around Australia too."

"What's so unusual about that?" Despite himself, I suspected he was interested too, if just a fraction.

"Panther sized black cats. In a country that has no natural predators, except for dingos, and they're located only in a few areas that the panthers are never seen in. I used to love this stuff." I admitted, a small smile as his eyes met mine.

Nemesis - Book 3 of the Hunted series.Where stories live. Discover now