Chapter 16 - Another Mafia

Start from the beginning

No more than five seconds later, my phone let out a short, tiny ring which only aggravated me more if you didn't count his reply. I bet he's laughing behind his polished office desk with his suited guards looking at him curiously.

You're so delightful, my wonderful little niece- not. Your suffering is amuses me, what can I say? PS, how did you find out about that? -Jack

I was about to type in my reply when another message buzzed in, almost causing me to laugh and forget what he did. But then I remembered what he had done and I'm back to bitchy mode again.

Please don't tell my wife. Jane will kill me. -Please help me, I'm desperate

On a more serious note, I have my reasons. I'll explain when we finally have time together. -Jack

Fine. I'll hear what you have to say this one LAST time. -Ava

With a grunt, I shoved my phone back into my pocket, actually pondering whether or not I should tell Jane but decided against it. He may be an asshole but he's still my uncle. Plus, I can tell he's desperate. 

Four people I know who are definitely a thousand times scarier than Jack being pissed is Jane and Jack's three daughters. Somehow though, their anger are always directed towards Jack.

No surprise there.

I took a sip from the bottle of water in my hands when I finally realized it was empty. Sighing, I stood up and slid out of my chair. "I'm just going to get a drink. Be back soon." Rhiannon and Vern simply nodded, too absorbed into how gross the food is.

Trudging towards the vending machine at the back of the cafeteria, I glanced around, noticing how the small crowd of students there suddenly dispersed upon my arrival like I'm a red demon with horns wearing a hideous ballerina dress. Yeah, certainly not the most prettiest of sights.

I just rolled my eyes, even flipping my finger at one of the boys who was most-definitely-not-staring-like-a-creepy-dude as I pushed one of the buttons on the machine. For the rest of the crowd who seemed to be watching like I'm some kind of antique puppet show, I sent them my best glare and they immediately went running away. I would have laughed if I weren't feeling so drained right now.

Right as I finished taking a few sips of the drink, a figure suddenly emerged beside me. I used the word emerged because he literally emerged out of nowhere. I'm not even joking. Is there some Houdini shit going on here?

"Ahh-!" I shrieked, my fist instinctively flying towards the person.

Said person easily caught my fist in his and I was left to drown in my own pool of embarrassment as Law's body shook while he tried to contain his laughter. Sadly, his willpower wasn't enough and he eventually burst out laughing.

I retracted my hand and smacked him weakly on the shoulder. "Jerk."

"But that was hilarious!" Law laughed. I could only purse my lips in shame as my face went even more red than it already is while waiting for Law to finish his laughing session. I watched as his jet black hair got even messier though still unfairly gorgeous and I couldn't keep my eyes away from the way muscle underneath his sleeves rippled with his every movement, even when he ran a hand through his wickedly soft hair. Suddenly, his beautiful steel eyes flashed in mine and I find myself blushing.

Thank god, I managed to catch myself before I flew off into the forbidden land which is Law's hotness.

I huffed and turned around, crossing my arms. "You know what, I'm just gonna go."

But before I could even take a step, Law's arms are already securely wrapped around my waist and pulling me closer to him. I suddenly became aware of his warm breath right above my temple and how it dipped down to right beside my ear, fanning it. Law's nuzzled closer to me and I could feel him smile against my skin as he kissed my cheek. 

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