Promises (Part 7)

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Another short chapter, I'll probably publish the same day if I remember, because I'm too lazy to copy and paste and format into the other chapter.

I know how horrid.

Max drove me home, dropped me off and then left when I was inside the house. I walked in, and all five of them were in the kitchen looking a bit grim. Minho was sitting on the table, Macy next to them. Alice was sitting in a chair at the table, closest to the door. Michael and Mike were in the floor near Minho.

"You guys didn't lock the door." I said. I sat down next to Alice. "What's wrong?" I asked them. Alice handed me her phone.

"Read the text message." She said. I took the phone and read the text message over quickly.

Hey Alice, I tried calling Kyle but he didn't pick up. Steve and I are at a hotel for the night, but we'll be there tomorrow. Love you and miss you! I can't wait to see you both. 😊

"Tomorrow? I'm leaving tomorrow?" I asked. They all shook their heads.

"Come I'll help you pack." Alice said.

"I'll get the little ones to bed." Minho announced. He picked up Macy and took Mike by the hand. Michael wasn't too far behind, glued to Minho's side.

"Come on." Alice said. We went into my room and Alice brought a suitcase. We packed up clothes and a few of my books. "You're coming back right?" Alice asked me.

"Alice I'm having a hard time leaving, how could I not come back?" I asked her.

"Yeah but what if-"

"You're being worst than me, I'm not staying there forever. Besides I can't live with Jillian, Nicky and Ashely forever." I said, trying to get a laugh out of her.

"I don't know why I'm so worried." Alice admitted. "You're capable of doing so much at your age."

"That's what's funny." I told her. "You're my sister, it's your job to worry about me, it's even worse because you act like my mom sometimes too."

"I know you'll be fine, and I'm coming over soon too. I'm worried about Minho though." She said.

"Minho? How could anyone be worried about Minho? Other than the fact that he could punch you any moment." I said.

"He's not going to hurt any of us Kyle-"

"I know." I said.

"You didn't let me finish, it's because we're family. He's kinda adopted you as a brother. You've seen how overprotective he is over Michael, Mike and Macy, he's the same way to you. Thomas it's starting too." Alice said. "He's going to miss you, so is Melody." Alice told me. We finished packing everything. The only thing that I couldn't bring that I wanted to bring was my bulletin board. I still had a few photos, that didn't fit on the bulletin board that I packed that I figured I could tape on the wall.

"I'll be ok." I told Alice.

"I know you will be." Alice told me. She hugged me and nether of us said anything for a few seconds.

"But you'll come get me if I want to go home right?" I asked her.

"Oh course I will, and if anything, I think Minho might beat me there." Alice told me.


Author's Note

This book is almost done 😭😭😭 This is the last part to this chapter and next chapter is the last chapter. 😭😭😭😭

Word Count: 576

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