A Secret Worth Keeping (Part 13)

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"Huckleberry, come on let's go inside." Minho called to me. We must have gotten home, my eyes were closed and I hadn't even noticed that the car had stopped moving. "Come on, let's go inside." Minho decided for me. He pulled me to my feet without another word and swung one of my arms around his shoulders, which didn't help much, because he was so much taller than me. I walked slowly with Minho, my eyes still not open. I opened them when I tripped over the end of a rug only. I pushed Minho away and went to my room. I flopped on my bed and didn't move from there.

"Alice what's wrong with him? He's never acted like this before." I heard Minho asked Alice in the hallway outside my closed bedroom door.

"Yeah he has acted like this before." Alice told Minho, I could tell from her voice that she was crying. "When he stopped acting like this, then he didn't talk for four years." There was more muffled talking, but I didn't listen to it. I stood up and went and found that box under my bed from Ibaleterm. Melody's careful handwriting was on the papers, and I had drawings that filled the box. Each drawing had a different purpose and a different story, Melody had written a little short story on each of the drawings.

Rain drops started falling outside, turning the dirt slowly into dark mud.

I looked at the drawings one last time, I looked at Melody's careful handwriting to each building we had yet to build. I took out a sheet of paper and quickly wrote down a note, in case Alice or Minho came in my room. I left it on the bed and quickly put everything back in the box. I pushed the box under my bed and opened the window to my room quickly. The sound of falling rain quickly filled my room. What seconds ago had been a drizzle, it was now raining cats and dogs. I climbed out of the window and made a run for it. A run for Ibaleterm. I ran as the rain fell down my face, the mud splashed on my legs, and my hair got flattened down. I ran until I reached Ibaleterm.

I quickly went across the river our bridge, that was half in the water, since the water had risen to much. I reminded myself to rebuild it with Melody when she got back. If she makes it, the officers words run in my ears. I fell to the mud at the reminder. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I left her, and because I did they hurt her. They hurt her a lot. Now she could be dead, she could be dying, and the last thing I said to her was that I didn't trust her. I stood up slowly, and wandered through the flowers I had planted. I remembered how happy Melody was just by little flowers. I went up to our little treehouse castle, there, where it was dry, I cried. I was on the floor crying.


Author's Note

Well. Who officially misses Melody? Cause I do.

Now you know why Alice is a mess.

But why did Minho go all "big brother" mode on Kyle?

Where's Max during all this?

What's going on with Melody?

Why did Kyle have to go to Ibaleterm?

Here's Minho, since he was important this chapter

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Here's Minho, since he was important this chapter. Minho is always important, he's Minho Davis.

Word Count: 586

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