A Fourth of July Wish (Part 4)

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Melody popped something into the oven, I didn't even know what she was making, but it sure did smell good. She took the cookie dough, that I had actually helped make, and started cutting out the cookies with the cookie cutters. I took a cookie cutter and started cutting them out with Melody.

"Macy!" I called, after we had made a few cookies and put them on the tray. "Would you like to decorate some cookies?" I called to her. She was in the kitchen seconds later. She took out a few sprinkles and traced every cookie in sprinkles carefully. Melody and I finished cutting out all the cookies, and let Macy finish her cookie decorating process. Macy was singing a small song to herself, about what it there was peace in the world.

The doorbell suddenly rang. I saw Macy's ears prick up.

"Where's Macy?" A voice asked. Macy's eyes lit up, she dropped all the sprinkles all over the cookies, not even bothering to stop at all. She ran out of the kitchen and towards the front door. Melody and I followed her, closely behind. Macy jumped into the arms of the person who asked where she was, Minho. Minho and his brothers had arrived, Mike and Michael. The four siblings all stood together, all three of the boys hugging Macy. Minho picked Macy up, and Macy didn't let go of Minho, not if her life depended on it. She looked like it was Christmas morning, and the tree was packed with toys for her.

"Kyle, why don't you show the boys their room?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, come on guys." I said, as I motioned for them to follow me. Minho, Mike and Michael started following me. Melody was no where to be seen, and Macy was still in Minho's arms. I lead them all to the boys room.

"This is Mike and Michael's room." I said. "Macy's is further down the hall. Minho, you can take what ever room you want, but Macy's is a little pink." I warned. Mike and Michael scanned their new room. Alice had wrapped it up nicely. A few book shelves were still left over, a few others had been moved to other rooms, a few in Alice's room and the rest in the living room. The walls were painted a light blue color, the bed sheets were with little planes on them. In the corner there was a box of small toys, a few of my old ones, including some Lego, and a few new ones. The closet was opposite from the box of toys, and had a few t-shits and shorts.

"This is so cool!" Mike said excitedly.

"Can we really play with all of it?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, that's why we put it in here." I told them. Mike and Michael looked amazed just by that. "Come on, I'll show you Macy's room." I told them. I lead them to Macy's room, which was filled with all things pink and glittery, with dolls all over the floor.

"It looks like a unicorn puked in here." Mike said. Michael looked shocked by the room.

"It's..." He started.

"Really girly." Minho finished.

"Macy is a girl." I told them, more like reminded them.

"Yeah, but..." Mike trailed off. No one finished the sentence.

"I'll stay with Mike and Michael." Minho decided.

"That's what I thought." I told them.

"Look, look, let me show you something." Macy said, as she squeezed herself from Minho's arms and pulled her three brothers towards her dolls. "This one is Princess Peach, and This is Princess Strawberry, and this is Princess Blueberry, and this is Princess Apple, and this one is Princess Pear..." Macy went on, showing all her brothers every single doll she had and the doll's name. I smiled quickly, before leaving the room, wishing that I at least got along better with my step siblings.


Author's Note

Yes. It's short. But this whole day/chapter is going to be longer. The chapter title doesn't even make sense yet.

Just wondering, what do you think is going to happen next?

Word Count: 690

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