I Turn Redder Than Max (Part 8)

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"Ummm hello?" It was Melody. I didn't even know why I had called her. I didn't even want to talk to her right now. So why had I called her? Because stupid head you didn't have anyone else to call, my brain told me. Valid point.

"Ummm, it's Kyle. So I kinda ran away-"

"Yeah. I noticed." Melody said coldly. Her tone was ice cold and harsh, just the sound of it made me want to close the phone.

"Ummm yeah. So I was kinda sitting in the middle of the road, laying in the middle of the road, and a car was kinda coming. I moved out of the way, as soon as I could, but the car still ran over my foot and I think it's broken. They're blood and I don't know what to do and this the guy that found me earlier, and I'm using his phone now, won't stop talking about Daisy the Donkey." I stopped a moment to catch my breath. "And I'm really sorry for getting mad at you and screaming and yelling and I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do, because I'm stressed out and I don't know. I'm. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Melody. I'm really stupid and I'm a jerk-"

"You can apologize later, where are you? I'm calling an ambulance." Melody told me.

"I ran down the same road. I didn't take any turns or anything. I don't knew where I am." I told her.

"I'll just keep walking, I know this area. Is the guy still talking about Daisy the Donkey?" Melody asked. I looked up from the ground. The man was still taking on and on, he wasn't paying attention to my conversation with Melody.

"Yup." I told her.

"Keep listening. I'll be there soon. Don't like faint again." Melody told me.

"When has that ever happened?" I asked her.

"In Illinois, when my sister broke your nose-"

"Ok I get it." I told her.

"Don't loose too much blood, I'll call now. Keep listening to Daisy the Donkey." Melody told me. Just like that she hung up the phone. I tried calling Alice again. She picked up. I didn't let her even start talking.

"I got mad at Melody, so I ran down the road and left her behind, so I ran away, and then I laid in the middle of the road and this driver came and ran over my foot and I think it's broken, it's bleeding and I called Melody and she's calling an ambulance. The driver is here and he's telling me about his donkey Daisy." I told Alice.

"Kyle?" Alice asked. I felt like hitting my face with my hand. This wasn't my phone, she would have no clue who this was.

"Yeah it's me, did you get everything else? 'Cause I don't have the energy to tell you again." I told her.

"You got hurt? Again!" Alice cried. "I'll call Melody and have her tell me where you are and pick you guys up. What it with you and breaking bones!" Alice asked me.

"Accidents happen?" I tried.

"Kyle we are going to have a long, long talk, and it isn't going to be a really happy one." Alice told me. Great. I'm in more trouble. "But for now, don't black out."

"I do not faint this much!" I told her.

"Yeah, yeah. Hang in there." Alice told me. She hung up the phone. The man stopped talking for a moment.

"Can I have my phone?" He asked. I shook my head. He stepped closer to get it. He kicked my foot in the process. Pain traveled all around me. Black dots covered my vision. I will not faint, I told myself.

Then the world turned black.


Author's Note

It's a shorter chapter, but there is a lot going on in one day. I think all the dialogue makes it seem longer. It's not too long though.

So I got a email back from a book publishing agent about Mr. Nobody (January 16, 2017). It's a no. They said they weren't looking for teen books anymore. So, they need to update their website. But hey, I didn't expect a yes ether. Not from the first one. I update my book Small Writing Contests and Ideas quicker on these things, please look into it.

Should I keep doing the character photo thing?

If so, what characters should I do?

Remember to add me on Insta @

Word Count: 749

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