A Fourth of July Wish (Part 1)

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~July 4th 2017~

Alice and Max had worked half of the nights to get all the bedrooms ready. They even cleaned up my room while I was sleeping, a little creepy in my opinion, maybe I need to lock the door before I go to bed from now on.

Minho and his brothers were supposed to come in an hour, and Alice had me cleaning the house for that whole hour. Melody came over, since she didn't want to stay home alone, while her siblings were at some sort of camp.

"Everyone is part of the camp, other than Mina who just went there to work." Melody told me. Her dad dropped her up, before I was even out of bed. I fell out of bed, literally, Alice ran into the room when I fell out of the bed.

"What in the world happened?" She asked me. Melody came in after Alice, with Macy on her back.

"I fell out of the bed." I answered Alice.

"Again?" Melody asked.

"Again!" Alice yelled. "This has happened before?"

"Oh many times, I could keep a list." Melody told Alice.

"Not helping." I said, glaring at Melody. Melody shrugged.

"Get dressed Kyle, Minho and his brothers will be coming here soon. I actually want this house to look presentable." Alice told me.

"I have a question first though."
I asked, still laying down on the floor. Melody looked like she was trying not to laugh, Macy was playing with Melody's hair, and Alice was glaring at me.

"What?" Alice asked me.

"If you spend hours cleaning this house, why did you bother? You are getting three more boys in this house."
I told Alice.

"Just get dressed." Alice told me.

"Fine." I said. They left the room and I quickly got dressed and brushed my teeth. I scrambled around to make my bed ran out of the room, running right into Melody.

"You shouldn't be running around with that foot of yours." Melody told me.

"It bothers me." I complained.

"Who's fault is it that they ran away and laid down in the middle of the road?" Melody said bitterly. So she's still mad at me. I didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I don't know what else to say. I was stupid." I said.

"And?" Melody asked.

"A jerk."




"Yeah sorry, I'm all out of synonyms." I told her.

"I wanted to see how far you can go, but I was expecting more than stupid, jerk, and dumb." Melody told me.

"I'm foolish, a jerk face, and a buffoon." I added. Melody seemed better with that answer.

"You're the stupidest of the stupidest of people I know." Melody told me smiling. I knew she didn't mean it, I knew that we were ok, and I had my best friend back.

Oh geez, that was horrid, how long was Melody mad at me? A day? Yeah a day, and I already beat myself up about that. This entire Melody moving thing isn't going to work out for me. No it is not.


Author's Note

Yes it's a short chapter, because I have long problems to deal with in life at the moment. It's probably going to be like this for a while now. I'm sorry.

Question of the chapter: favorite candy?

My answer: any kind of chocolate, but not dark lol

Word Count: 570

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