A Secret Worth Keeping (Part 15)

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I got in the car. I snuck out my bedroom window again, and waited for Minho in the car. I had already grabbed the keys and turned the car on, since I hadn't bothered to change my clothes. Minho came in a few minutes later.

"I had to make sure they wouldn't follow us, I put the alarm on, locked all the doors and windows, not including the one we crawled out of." Minho said, he said it more to himself then to me, like he was reading off a list. "We're good." He finally said. He started the car and drove slowly down the dirt roads. I prayed that Alice hadn't heard us leave. Minho drove slowly down the abandoned roads of Michigan. I glanced at my watch. 11:04. It was already so late.

"If we get caught by the police or something, just say that I'm sixteen." Minho told me. "Wait never mind, I don't care, if you talk again, I don't care if I end up in jail. You just better make sure that Micheal, Mike, and Macy are ok." Minho didn't say anything for a good thirty seconds. "Kyle this is too weird! I can't do all the talking, how did Melody do this! You're such a hard person to read!" Minho said. Minho pulled the car over and leaned his head on the searing wheel of the car. "Kyle, I don't know what's going on in your head, and I know you just want to see her. People deal with problems in a different way, I beat up people, Alice shuts herself in her room." I looked up at Minho quickly. Minho caught my eye. "Yeah she's done that a few times, Macy when she's mad she ignores people, Michael tries to pretend it doesn't bother him, and Mike asks Micheal for help. Some ways are better than others, I shouldn't beat people up, yet I do, but you can't just shut up. I regret everyday that I told you to shut up, because it sucks. I feel like I'm talking to myself." Minho said. He took a deep breath, he didn't say anything else, I of course, didn't say a word. Minho took another deep breath before he started driving again.

We arrived at the hospital about twenty minutes later. We walked around the abandoned hospital for a few minutes when we got inside.

"This is creepy, there isn't anyone here." Minho whispered. "It's even creepier since I'm talking to myself."

"Hello, how can I help you?" Both Minho and I jumped up and did a weird little scream. We turned around quickly. The lady behind us was laughing. "I've never seen two teenage boys jump so high, and scream that high pitched."

"Ummm, yeah." Minho said nervously. "My brother and I are looking for his girlfriend that came here earlier." I glared at Minho. Melody isn't my girlfriend, I wanted to tell him.

"Ahhh, that's so sweet." The lady said. I glared at Minho some more. "You two have to stop at the gift shop first, and you'll go and buy some flowers." The lady said, looking at me. She lead us through the hospital, down a few more twisty hallways. I felt like I was in a maze, like the maze from The Maze Runner. The lady finally found the gift shop after what seemed forever, I just wanted to see Melody. Minho handed me thirty bucks and pushed me into the gift shop. I passed right by the flowers, I wasn't going to buy flowers. For a moment it reminded me of bringing flowers at a funeral, and I wasn't going to do that. I looked around and didn't find anything. Everything was at least over $20, and being the person I was, I couldn't spend all that money on something I could buy at Walmart for two bucks. I finally went across a stand that I knew Melody would start jumping up and down when she saw it. A whole stand filled with books, and there was a sale, buy three get two free. I got ten books quickly just like that. I went to the the cash register that I was still surprised was open. The lady smiled at me that was working there.

"If your buying something for a lady, you might want to add this, it's only seven dollars." She told me. She took out a small box filled with necklaces. "We can write her name on it too." I saw a small little dog and kitten connected, I pointed to that one. "This one?" She asked me. I shook my head yes. "What name should we write? Please spell it out on this paper." She told me, pushing a paper towards me. I took the paper and wrote Melody's name as carefully and as neatly as I could.  In only three minutes she was done. I paid for everything and took two bags full of books, and a small purple box with the necklace in it.

"Geez you went all out, yet you didn't get any flowers." Minho said raising his eyebrow. I shook my head.

"Doesn't your brother talk?" The lady asked. Minho took a deep breath.

"Apparently not anymore." He said sadly. The lady didn't respond, but she lead us through those twisted hallways.


Author's Note

I wrote on a laptop for the first time on Wattpad, and I don't know where anything is. I need to edit as soon as I can back on my phone. I like this chapter though, you learn a little more about Minho and how he feels about Kyle.

Thoughts on this chapter?

Also, I know some authors add songs that go with the chapter, it doesn't really go with the chapter, more about how Kyle feels about Melody I feel. The song with come up again. I'm going to put Melody's favorite song in soon, because why not right? Kyle's too, since it's from the same band.

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word Count: 1009

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