I Turn Redder Than Max (Part 10)

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The whole day I was stuck in the hospital. I wanted to leave. I asked every nurse if I could leave, I asked the doctor, I asked Alice, I asked Melody (but all I got was a glare back from her, I think I need to apologize better), but they wouldn't let me leave. I told them my foot had been better, but it would be fine. Besides, Alice and I had to move the book shelves around for the new bedroom. This wasn't fair.

"Please?" I begged again.

"No!" Alice and Melody said at the same time. I opened my mouth to ask again, "No!" They said louder this time. I shut up, for the time being.

"I hate this place." I mumbled. They didn't answer. I looked over at Melody, she wasn't meeting my eyes and her jaw was clutched. She was still mad at me. I can't exactly blame her, but I can't not blame her ether. She keeping things and I know it, but I don't want us to get in a fight right before she's going to move.

I don't know how long I was stuck there, a while, no duh. Melody's parents came and picked her up. Her father looked mad, but he kept mumbling how irresponsible Mina acted. I felt bad for Mina, poor girl is going to get yelled at a lot. Alice kept glaring at me. Just my luck, both Melody and Alice are mad at me. Just my luck.

A while later the doctor finally let us out. Alice was silent on the whole car ride home. We drove up in front of the house and she turned off the engine, but she didn't get out of the car.

"We need to talk." She said. I hate those words. I really hate them. That ether means I did something, well I did do something, or the fact that something else is going to change. "Minho and his brothers are coming tomorrow..." Alice said.

"And that's new because?" I asked her. Alice took a deep breath. I hate when she does that, that means something serious is going on. Why couldn't life be all cupcakes and rainbows?

"I'm scared for them to come Kyle. It's been only us for almost a year, even with Macy here. It feels weird, it's different, it's changing all again. It seems just like when we finally fall into a schedule, something new comes up. Something changes again, and we're back at square one." Alice told me. I didn't say anything at first, I felt the same way. This was a roller coaster ride and I wasn't sure where it was going.

"We'll finger it out, we always do." I told her.

"Yeah, come on. I'll get those crutches and we'll get inside. Max and Macy are waiting." Alice told me. She went to the back and pulled out some crunches, that I already hated, and handed them to me. I wobbled to the door, taking twice as long as it should have.

"I hate these things." I mumbled quietly.

"Stop complaining, wait till the bill comes in. Then you can start complaining." Alice told me.

"I need to get a job don't I?" I asked her.

"You bet it." Alice told me. "I can't keep you in one place at once. Maybe having three other boys in the house might help to keep you stuck in the house or something. I don't know what to do anymore, at least you can't run away anymore, not with that leg." Alice said.

"Don't count on it, I find ways to do the impossible." I told her.

"Yeah, you do." Alice said. "I hate that about you." She added.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I insisted.

"Nah, I'm kidding. Kidding, kinda." Alice said, then she ruffled my hair. "Nah, I'm kidding."

"I hate when you do that." I told her.

"I know, and now that you have crutches you can't swat my hand away." Alice said. "It's a win for me then." Alice added. I hit her leg with the side of one of my crutches. "Hey! That hurt." Alice said.

"It's a win for me." I said.


Author's Note

This chapter is shorter, I have to start writing a little bit shorter chapters because I have a huge test this week that will affect almost 40% of my grade. It's a really big test, and I need to pass. I'm sorry again, but longer chapters will be coming sooner than later.

Add me on Instagram @ 1daughterofposeidon

Word Count: 761

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