I Turn Redder Than Max (Part 9)

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Next thing I remember I'm in an ambulance. I blacked out, again! I'm really getting tired of missing these painful moments of my life. I got to the hospital (third time I'm here when I'm fourteen, I'm pretty sure). Soon I was at the hospital and they did a bunch of doctor stuff on my foot. My foot hurt so much, that my body was just at one point, yeah too much pain, this is getting boring. I was bored of the hospital. I was here for the second time this year (third, counting when I visited Melody when she broke her leg). I was kinda tired of the place.

After hours and hours of painful things happening. My foot was in a green cast.

"Can I go home now?" I asked a nurse right after.

"No." She said coldly, then she left the room. Guess I'm stuck here again. Alice and Melody were here. Melody's parents had gotten mad at Mina for leaving Melody alone at the shelter. Melody was still stuck here though.

"You are stupid." Melody told me. "Who lays down in the middle of the road?"

"Me?" I answered, sounding more like a question. Alice glared at me, not the right answer. "Yeah I'm stupid." I said.

"Yes you are." Alice and Melody said at the same time.

"Why do you guys always do that?" I asked.

"What?" They asked me.

"That!" I told them. I slammed a pillow on my face. "I give up." I told the pillow. The doctor walked in the room

"Mr. Forest you are lucky." He told me. I put the pillow down from my face.

"It's Kyle, Mr. Forest makes me sound old." I lied. I had never liked being called Mr. Forest, since my dad died. I felt like I would steal his name, since almost everyone called him Mr. Forest.

"Kyle, as I was saying you're lucky. It isn't such a big deal of what happened, considering your foot got ran over by a car. It will, however, take about six weeks to heal." He told me. I choked on air.

"Six weeks!" I exclaimed.

"It could be twelve weeks." He told me. Six weeks didn't sound so bad anymore. But still six weeks. I quickly did the math, today was July 3rd, I would get the cast off in the second week of August.

"That's like a month!" I complained. The doctor lifted an eye brow up at me.

"It's over a month, but I'm not the one that broke your bone." The doctor told me.

"Or sat in the middle of the road." Melody added. I glared at her. My eyes sending a clear message: shut up! Melody shrugged. The doctor left the room to get some paper work.

"I hate the hospital." I announced.

"We know." Alice and Melody said at the same time. I growled and slammed the pillow back on my face, and they stated laughing.


Author's Note

This is short. I hate writing about the hospital, yet Kyle always ends up there.

I'm sorry.

Word Count: 515

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