"I am, too," the girl said. "I like the way it twists around." Subconsciously making her point, she idly toyed with the brooch.

Gaius cleared his throat and glanced at Twila. Their eyes met, but they stayed quiet. Ro knew they were probably mindlinking like she often did with Twila, but it was strange to see a conversation while not hearing it. It only lasted a moment, long enough for the others to notice.

"I wanted to give you a better farewell, but the council is demanding my attention," Gaius said, rubbing his eyes. "You three should head on your way. There are horses and three knights to accompany you as far as they can."

Twila sent him a small glare, but didn't mention the knights. "If that is all, then we will depart," she said.

Ro gave her uncle one last hug. "Don't overwork yourself," she whispered to him.

"No promises, my dear," he whispered back. He cleared his throat when they pulled away. "Corvin, if any harm comes to my beloved niece, I will-"

"Probably have my head," Corvin cut in. "Not to worry, your majesty. I'm sure that between Twila and I, she will be fine. Not counting, of course, her ability to run circles around any threat we may meet."

The king scowled slightly. "Doubtless," he said. "Goodbye, my dear. Be good for the Queen."

"You say that like I won't," she laughed.

"I'm just saying that your temper often gets the better of you," Gaius said, making his way down the hall. "Be patient with the Fae, my dear." The king turned a corner, leaving the four.

Fausta shuffled forward, giving Rosalie another hug. "You'll be amazing, Rosalie," she said. The lady knight's gaze landed on Corvin. She was firm, even more so than Gaius had been. "Young man, think of anything that Gaius might do to you. Now triple it." Ro bit her lip to stop her snickering when she saw Corvin swallow uncomfortably. "That is what will happen if my girl is harmed."

She pulled him into a hug. "But you have my blessing," she said softly, pulling away from a shocked Corvin. "Goodbye and good journey." She, too, waved and left.

"Let us be off, then," Twila said.


The three travellers stood at the castle gates. The three knights Gaius had promised were walking up towards them when Ro recognized one. She groaned, catching Corvin's attention.

"Something wrong?" he asked. His eyes followed Rosalie's gaze. "Oh."

"Yea," she said.

When the three knights neared, they all bowed to her. "Your highness," one said. He was taller than her by nearly a foot. "My name is Elliot McKnight." Ro perked up at the name, noticing the similarities between the man in front of her and Elwood. "This is Philip Crow and Ava Carter. All three of us are of second rank."

She eyed Crow, spotting his nervousness. Good. "Thank you for coming with us," she said. "What has my uncle told you of the situation?"

"Only that we are to accompany you as far as Twila says," Ava answered. Twila nodded lightly. "Shall we depart?" she asked, gesturing to the horses.

Ro nodded and tried to get on, only for Corvin to stop her. "Let me help you," he said, offering a hand. She smirked.

Using her cast, she made a small ledge to push off of, successfully getting on the horse without help. "What was that, Corvin?" she asked innocently.

"Have you been on a horse before?" Elliot asked. Ro nodded.

"Yea, my grandparents- adopted ones, that is- owned a farm in upstate New York," she explained, getting comfortable while the others got on their own horses. "I used to go there every summer. Twila, you're with me, right?" The cat nodded, shifting into her small form. Ro used her cast to make a small set of stairs so the cat could climb on easily.

Rosalie's Kingdom {OLD VERSION- INCOMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now