Chapter 16

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We sat there for a long time, her running her fingers through my hair, with silent tears rolling down her cheeks. Me with my head in her lap, and my arms around her hips.

I had noticed, not long after coming here. That when she was worried or upset, running her fingers through my hair, always calmed and help her re-center herself.

That was why, I had laid my head in her lap, in the first place. I knew she was upset, about losing yet someone else, but as usually, she tried to hide it. At least from everyone but me.

She was always to worried about others, to let anyone but me, see the real her. She was over protective of everyone around her. I knew she worried about me too, but I also knew, that no one could calm her as I could.

She fell asleep in her chair, with her fingers in my hair. I brought her against my chest, and took her upstairs. After removing our clothes, I put the both of us in bed. With her laying on my chest, as usual.

When she would murmur in her sleep, I would run my fingers through her hair, and she would tighten her hold on me. And soon she was relaxed and asleep again.


A horrendous scream pierced the still quietness of our bedroom. I jumped upright in bed, startled out of a sound sleep.

"Babaaaa! No please, don't leave me! Baba!"

I could see and feel my Roza's restless sleep. And I could tell she was having a nightmare, about the day Abe died.

I lifted her, and brought her body against my chest. "Roza, baby wake up, it's a nightmare love. Wake up Roza." On and on I tried to comfort her sleeping form.

Eventually it worked, and she woke up. She lay in my arms, trembling, crying, and mumbling about Abe being gone. It was more than an hour, before she was coherent enough to actually speak. I had actually been worried, that losing someone else, so soon after Abe's death. Might bring up bad memories, and as it turns out, I was right to worry.

"It's alright love, I am here. I love you Roza, and I will always be here to protect you baby. Shhh, its ok." I cooed to her, as I brushed her hair from her face, and rocked her.

I remembered a night, not too long ago, when we'd found out that Tasha had been the one to kill Ivan. Roza, had held me all night long, and comforted me. And I was prepared to hold, love, assure, and comfort her for as long as she needed it. No matter how long that took.

"He is gone Dimi." She sobbed.

I kissed the top of her head over and over again. "I know baby, and I am so sorry. I wish there was something I could say or do, to make this easier for you, or to make you feel better. But, I also know, that there is nothing that I, or anyone else can say or do to help with the pain. But I will always be here for you Roza. The pain will never go away, but it will lessen with time, love, and understanding. All of which I will be here to give you, my love."

"Why him Dimi? Why my baba?" She sobbed out the heart-breaking question.

"Because Victor, is a money and power hungry bastard. That doesn't care who he hurts, as long as he gets what he wants. Roza, I promise you, we will make him pay. Not only, for what he had that bitch Natasha do to Ivan, but also for what he had someone do to your father. And for the pain and torture he inflicted on Robert."

"I want him to die, a slow, excruciatingly long, and agonizing death Dimi."

"He will my love, he will, I promise you that, Roza. He has a great many things to be punished for."

I sat there in the middle of our bed, with Roza in my lap. And continued to rock her back and forth as she cried. The sun had just begun to peak over the horizon, when she finally settled back down enough, to fall back to sleep.

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