Chapter 11

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"OH YEAH! I never knew it would be like that."

"I'm sorry I lost control, I just needed you sooo badly."

"Don't be sorry. I love that I can make you lose control like that." I heard him laughing. It was such a joyous sound, it made my soul fly.

"I love you so much Roza. Let's get some rest, because I can promise you, that you are going to need it later." He said to me with that wicked grin on his face and I couldn't wait to explore more of our love. My eyes closed all on their own, finding the blackness that awaited me. We woke up twice more that night, to again make love.

A few days later, Pavel came into my office. "Rose, Tasha Ozera has been found. Shane, Ryan, Dennis, Arthur and Lev have brought her to the hidden rooms. Tamara, Gail, David and Mikey are setting up your interrogation room. Darius, Ahmed, Leary and Sam are also setting up the cleaning tools just in case."

"Thank you uncle."

"Of course Rose. Is there anything specific, that you want done to her before you arrive?"

"Have her suspended from the ceiling by her wrists, after she has been stripped to her underwear. Make sure it is cold down there, I don't want her comfortable in any sense of the word. Have someone spray her down with ice cold water, soaking her hair and underwear repeatedly. Have Tamara and Gail beat up on her a little, not enough to break anything but enough to bruise. When you hang her, make sure she is hanging where she can see inside the elevator when the doors open. We will be downstairs in a few hours." He looked confused, but nodded.

When Pavel left the room Dimitri turned to me, "why did you want her hung so she could see inside the elevator, Roza?"

I smiled, "because you and I are going to put on a little show, just for her."

"What are you up to milaya moya?"


I knew my future wife was going to torture Natasha substantially, because she had already told me that she was going to. But what she told Pavel, had me curious as to what exactly she was going to do.

"When the elevator doors open, you and I are going to be making out hot and heavy. As much as she apparently wants you, it will throw her off even more. I am hoping that seeing you here, with me, will enrage her so much she will attempt to get loose and come after me."

"Milaya, she is trained in karate."

I shrugged, "I know I have never told you this, but I am trained in Krav Maga. As well as Aikido, Judo, Jujutsu and Taekwondo. And that is not even listing all the weapons I am trained to use."

"Do I even want to know, what weapons you are trained in?" I asked cautiously.

"Any and every type of gun that you can think of, I am an expert marksman with them all. Same goes for blades; such as bowie knives, throwing knives, daggers, Kama's, Sai's, throwing stars, swords, rapiers etcetera, if it has a blade I am trained with it. I can also use nunchaku's and staff's. Let me put it to you this way, if it is a weapon I am most likely trained in it. But I can use almost anything and everything as a weapon. Baba and uncle Pavel, refused to let me be defenseless in any way whatsoever."

Damn, she is amazing. I now know, I have absolutely no reason to worry about my Roza when it came to Natasha. Not that I was worried to begin with, even if she could not defend herself, I would have and always will protect her. No matter who or what, I was protecting her from.

"Milaya, you are a weapon of mass destruction, all on your own."

"That is what baba used to call me." She laughed. "I can also wire explosives, and build bombs from everyday household items."

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