Chapter 15

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"So, this is a special girl?"

"Yes, I... I want to marry her Rosie."

This time I squealed louder, while jumping up and down in my chair, and clapping my hands. Dimitri out right laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Did you ask her?!"

"No, not yet. I can't afford a ring, good enough for her, yet."

I reached into my desk draw, and pulled out a stack of one hundred dollars bills, amounting to five thousand dollars. And threw it at him.

"You can now."


"Shut up, go to the jewelry store, then go back to that girl, and propose."


"Shut up, go to the jewelry store, then go back to that girl, and propose."

He opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him, "do I need to say it for a third time?"

He laughed, "no little sister."

"Good, then get your ass out of my office, and go..."

"I know, to the jewelry store... yadda, yadda, yadda."

"Out!" I screamed at him jokingly. That was all it took, out the door he ran, laughing all the way.

I was so happy for him. His meeting someone new, solved one of my problems.

Now I just had to work on Adrian, Victor, and Tatiana. How in the hell to do that, was something I still did not know, yet?

A few days later, Dimitri, Pavel, and I had finalized a plan on how to get to Victor. I called Spiridon, and told him to notify me, the next time Victor was meeting one of his mistresses.

That was when we were going to take him, and deal with him. Now I just needed to figure out what to do about Adrian, and Tatiana.

Spiridon told me, that Tatiana had started having an affair, with one of Victor's household staff. Ambrose. Who was the in-house flower designer, and gardener.

And as much as I hated, using a different variation of the same idea. Ambrose could be the perfect way to get to Tatiana. So again, I was going to discuss it with Dimitri and Pavel.

"Dimi, could you call for Pavel. There are somethings I need to discuss with the two of you."

"Of course, Roza."

As I went over some papers, about my personal accounts, I listened to Dimitri call for Pavel.

"Pavel, Rose would like to see you in her office." He listened for a few minutes, and then said, "alright I will let her know."

He turned back to me, "Roza, he said to let you know, that he will be here soon. There was a disturbance in the cell block, where Tasha is housed."

"Was it her, or someone else?"

"He didn't know yet, he was on his way down, when I was talking to him."

"Alright. While he does that. I need to talk to you about some personal stuff."

When I said that, he sat on the edge of my desk. "What do you need babe?"

"I have some papers, I need you to sign."

"Ok, that's fine. Do you have a pen?"

I handed him a pen, and showed him where to sign. After he did he asked, "was that all the papers I need to sign for the prenuptial agreement?"

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