Chapter 12

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"So, it would seem. How do you feel about that?" He asked me, as he caressed my cheek and neck with the backs of his fingers.

"Glad that baba and babushka chose us for each of us." This time we laughed loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What is so funny over there you two?" Uncle Pavel laughed.

"Sorry uncle, I was just discussing the past with my fiancé."

"Ahh, ok. Do you want to put this off for another day, so you two can go play?"

"No, we will play again later." Dimitri said while smacking me on the ass, as we walked back over to the others.

"Those magnificent hands of yours, are going to get you into trouble one of these days, Dimi."

"Hmm, funny, I thought the same thing about that tongue of yours not too long ago, milaya." He laughed, I turned to look at him and he winked at me. So just to get back at him I bit my bottom lip. He quickly pulled me into his arms, "what did I tell you about biting that lip Roza?"

"Oh I don't know, something along the lines of, not to do it in front of anyone else." I teased, just before he pulled me even tighter into his embrace, and kissed me senseless. As he kissed me, everyone laughed at us. Well everyone but Tasha, she just screamed. "Damn, I may need that water hose to cool down with."

"Don't you dare get wet Roza." He left himself wide open, to what I was about to say.

Leaning up I whispered in his ear, "too late, I already am." He was speechless, and in shock, long enough for me to walk over to Pavel. I turned back, and looked at Dimitri, once I reached my uncles side, "Are you ok Dimi?"

"Un huh." Then he shook his head, bring himself back to what we were down here to do.

"Now Natasha, I know that you are behind the deaths of Lucas and Moira Ozera. So there is no use in denying it, because I know you did it. The people that were hired to carry out the hit, rolled over on you. Apparently you were supposed to pay them one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, American, to do it. But you reneged on the deal, you only paid them twenty thousand. And apparently Victor didn't like that too much, did he? Since he is the one that put you in contact with them. So please tell everyone present, what he made you do to make up for the rest of the money you owed him. After his having to pay the hit team, the difference in what you said you would pay, and what you actually paid them." We waited but she never said anything. "Would you like me to tell everyone what you did to make up for it?"

"No." She answered.

"To damn bad. He not only turned you into his whore, he also made you kill someone yourself... didn't he Natasha?" She started sobbing and nodded her head. "Are you saying yes he turned you into his whore? Or yes, he made you kill someone?"

"Both." She sobbed.

"That is what happens when you put out a hit on your own family Natasha. Now, who was it that he made you kill?" That was the one thing, that my people were unable to find out. She didn't answer me, "I am waiting Natasha." Again we waited, and again no answer came. Just more crying.

"Are you going to answer my question, or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" Still no answer. "I am going to go easy on you to begin with Natasha. Tamara will start, after she has beaten you for half an hour, if you still haven't answered my question, we will move on to Gail. If you don't answer with Gail, that means it is my turn. And know this Natasha, once I start, I won't stop until you either answer my question or you are dead. Do you understand me?" No reply came. "Ok, T get started."

Tamara beat Natasha, for half an hour with no answer forth coming. "Natasha, do you know who I am?" She shook her head. "My name is Rose Mazur." Her head snapped up. "I take it you have heard of me?"

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