❤Chapter Seventeen❤

Start from the beginning

"What did they say." 

"They say I have six months to live. Six. My husband won't be back in North Carolina for a year." 

"You have to tell him." I say.

She nods. "I am, I'm going to write him a letter." I nod, smiling lightly. 

"Good. Now, I have a question for you. Two, actually. First, what is your name?" 

"Macey." She says, smiling. "Named after my great grandma." She says, proudly.

I smile. "I'm Naomi. Nice to meet you." We shake hands, and then I swallow hard. 

"Now, here's my second. Do you pray, Macey?" She hesitates and gets a bitter look on her face. "No I do not, Miss Naomi." She says, shaking her head. 

"Why not?" 

"I used to pray, all the time. But when I got cancer, I stopped. I'm angry."

"With God?"


"So things in life got hard for you, and you stopped talking to God all together?"

"Exactly." She says. 

"Macey." I say.

"Yes, Miss Naomi?"

"That's not right."

"What, Miss Naomi?"

I cringed again at the sound of her calling me 'Miss' Shouldn't I be calling her, Miss? She looked older than me. Hmm.

"You quit talking to God when things got hard. That's not right. When things get hard, we as Christians are to continue giving Him all of the praise. He deserves it all. It's not like we are going to go through forever, but it surely feels like it, I know. But you have to press, continue praying, reading your Bible. You can't just give up on God when things get hard. Jesus could have gave up, but he didn't! So if Jesus didn't give up, we can't." I say, surprised at my words. It seems like I was not only trying to tell her, but myself. I knew at that moment, these words were not my own, they were His. 

Macey looked at me, tears in her eyes. "Oh, you're so right." She starts crying then. After a while, she begins to get quiet, and I take it that she's praying. I smile, slowly standing to walk out of the room. "Thank you, Naomi." She whispers as I leave the room. I silently thank God, before shutting the door. 

When I get back in Leroy's mothers room, she's sound asleep in her bed.The ear-buds still in her ears, while the phone rests in her hand. Her red hair covers most of her face, while her mouth is wide open. I chuckle looking at Leroy, who looked like he was falling asleep too. "You ready to go?" He asks, sleepily. "Not unless you are. I can stay longer. I don't mind." I mutter, wincing from the pain in the stomach. He smiles. "We can go home, my dad should be on his way pretty soon." He walked over to his mom, kissing her on her forehead. He slides his hand in mines, as we walk through the exit. 

I open the door of his blue car, getting in. As soon as he gets in the car, he turns on the radio. I smile, recognizing the song. What Christian song did I not recognize. I move shake my head to the beat of the song, while Leroy twiddles his fingers on the steering wheel. Leroy's phone buzzes but he doesn't check it because he's driving. "Can you see who text me? Read it out loud." He asks. I widen my eyes, surprised he'd asked me to check his phone. His phone! Kevin literally had heart attacks any time I touched his phone. I grab the phone from the seat and read the text. The text was from Ruth. 

"Hey Leroy. I need to talk to you ASAP! Come over when you can." A twinge of jealousy subdues my happiness but I quickly push it away. Jealousy is ugly. I told Leroy and he shook his head, a sigh escaping from his lips. "What's wrong?" I ask.

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