"That's horrible, I'm so sorry." I say.

She frowns, "Are you sure you're alright, you look a little pale?" She asks.

I blink a few times when my eye focus start going blurry, I feel light-headed and feel around the ground to make sure it's still there.

"Lay down." The girl orders.

I do as she says and rest my head on the cool ground.

"He is sick." Is the last thing I hear her say before it all goes black.

•Ryder's POV•

"It's been an hour, shouldn't she be close?" I ask as I pace around the living room.

"Give her time Ryder, she might need to figure out a plan or something." Layla replies.

"We should be there, I should be there. Why are we not doing anything?" I shout.

"Ryder, calm down." Mandy says, standing up.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when I know that my mate is out there somewhere with that son of bitch?" I yell.

"Ryder!" Mum snaps.

I look at her.

"What Mara did back there was full of courage and confidence, she put herself before the pack and that is her job. As far as Cam knows, he thinks she's human. As we've been saying for the past hour, she has an advantage over him that she can only use once and she needs time." She says.

I sigh and flop into the nearest vacent armchair, "I'm sorry, it's just my instinct to worry and I'm seriously worrying right now."

Mum sighs too, "I know hunny, but it's also your instinct to trust each other and we all trust Mara. She's strong and smart, she'll get out of there when she knows the time is right."

Everything that just came out of my mum's mouth is one hundred percent true, I just need to trust that she is doing the right thing.

Mandy's phone rings, breaking the thickening silence.

She pulls it out of her pocket and answers.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Oh, Katrina hi." She says, emphasizing her name.

We all come in closer and Mandy puts it on speaker, even though we probably could of heard it normally.

"I just called Layla's home phone and no one picked up, Mara forgot her phone and so I was wondering where you are?" Katrina asks.

That's right, Mara told her mum that she was staying at Layla's house with Mandy to have a 'girl's night'.

"Oh, Layla's parents decided to go out for dinner, just for a change." She lies.

"Can I drop it off to her? She's had multiple calls from a guy named Ryan, I didn't know if it was important or not." She replies.

"Uh, hang on a second Katrina, I'll just talk to her." Mandy says.

She covers the microphone with her hand.

"What do we do?" She asks.

"Just say that Layla's parents will come pick it up because they have to go past their house to get something on the way home. Layla drove the girls there." I say.

She nods and repeats that to Katrina.

"Alright, that works out good. Is everything okay Mandy? You sound a little panicked." Katrina says.

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