"yeah! i got pictures! brad is absolutely cheating on ally! we have proof. these pictures are gonna go viral!" the girls giggle.

i notice they all have professional cameras around their necks. it's paparazzi.

i tip toe over to bradley, who's holding back his laughter. "they think i'm cheating on you!" he chuckles, softly.

i smile, he has a cute laugh. "it's cause they must've seen the back of you and the top of my head only." i shrug.

"but we better get the photos from them. joe will kill me if i'm accused of cheating on you." he shrugs.

"what? why?" i question.

"seriously? cause, i don't think you realise how much publicity we've been gaining since we started dating." bradley explains.

i don't know what came over me but i suddenly start crying. my mind must've immediately thought that brad was using me for publicity, when that just wasn't the case.

"ally!" he kneels down, next to me. he knows about my depression and anxiety, he knows about my panic attacks.

tears are streaming down my face down, i've pulled my knees to my chest, and i've buried my face into my knees. "shh, baby girl." he pulls me closer into him and he repeatedly kisses my forehead.

i begin to hear heaps of cameras going off, and flashing lights. bradley stands up and i hear some yelling before it goes silent. i hear someone running down the motel stairs and walking over to me.

"ally?! brad, what the fuck happened?!" i recognise the voice, connor come down from his room.

"i..i.. it's not my place to say - " bradley defends me.

"co..connor?" i stutter, throughout my sobs. connor kneels down to me.

"panic..panic at..attack." i stutter.

"brad go get some water!" connor yells at bradley.

i don't look up, i just continue to cry.

"what happened? you need to explain, ally!" connor keeps asking me.

finally, the crying settles down, bradley comes back with a glass of water that i sip from. "they..they.. -- " i pause.

"shh." bradley hugs me for comfort.

"Soy una mierda novia. ¡Reacciono exageradamente todo el maldito tiempo!" i begin to talk in spanish, that's when you know i'm really upset.

(I'm such a shit girlfriend. I overreact all the fucking time!)

"what the fuck? bradley, is this a prank?" connor stands up and questions bradley.

"no! she's done this before! i have no idea what she's saying!" bradley explains to connor.

they both think for a moment. "google translator." they say in unison, they both get their phones out.

i continue to cry. "Ugh! ¿Por qué me salías con Bradley? Soy una reina de drama ingrata! Soy tan molesto, y fácil de odiar! No soy talentoso, no soy bonito. Literalmente no hay razón para salir conmigo a menos que me compadezcan!" i yell.

"my phone picked it up!" connor announces.

"she said; Ugh! Why did you date me Bradley? I'm an ungrateful drama queen! I am so annoying, and easy to hate! I'm not talented, I'm not pretty. There is literally no reason to go out with me unless you pity me!" connor explains.

"do..do you really think that ally?" bradley kneels down next to me again.

i don't answer in english though, i continue to complain in spanish. "Todo lo que soy es un moaner! Todo lo que hago es quejarse, theres nada bueno sobre mí! ¡nada! Así que sí, creo que." i scream

"what'd she say connor?!" bradley asks, angrily.

"All I am is a moaner! All I do is complain, theres nothing good about me! nothing! So yes, I think that! is what she said." connor tells brad.

bradley embraces me in a passionate, lustful hug. when i finally calm down a bit he picks me up bridal style and carries me back to the motel room. connor went to get me another glass of water.

"would it be rude to ask if you could speak in english again? even though you speaking in fluent spanish is cool." bradley requests.

"ok..okay." i stutter,

"you didn't.. you know, mean any of that stuff you said, do you?" he asks me.

"i wouldn't have said it if i didn't believe it." i close my eyes, and hope for the tears to stop falling from my eyes.

"were you crying because of what i said?" he then asks.

"no! of course i wasn't bradley! your honestly the best boyfriend i could ask for, there's nothing wrong with you! it's me, who's ruining this relationship!"

"why are you so insecure?" he suddenly asks me.

"bradley that's like asking you why you have brown hair." i chuckle.

"i was serious, did.. did your mum abuse you through insults?"

i roll my eyes, and face away from his. but he moves back to the position where i can look at him again. "tell me." he whispers.

"after..after my dad left she forced my brother and i to do everything. we always agreed because we just thought she was going through some tough times and it would soon end. but it didn't, she would continue to abuse us verbally. she would say we were disappointments, we were ugly, we were greedy. that we weren't good enough. it's the reason my brother ran away, but he left me. he left me with her. after he left, she drank alcohol even more then before. she insulted me twice as much, and forced me to stay home. the only time i left the house was to go to school and buy groceries." i explain, holding back my tears.

i've never told anyone that. no one knew about it.

bradley closes his eyes, and then opens them again before kissing me. at first i thought it was a pity kiss, but it wasn't. it was a passionate kiss, it was a kiss full of sadness.

"i can't imagine.." he mumbles.

"ally? i know this doesn't seem like a question you would probably like to answer, but.. you sometimes talk in your sleep." he takes a deep breath. "you talk about some guy called tyler." he bites his lip.

"tyler is my ex-boyfriend."

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