21. the threat

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a/n: I'm sorry my chapters have been really shitty lately if you have noticed, I really don't know where my creativity went probably in the trash or somewhere if you could help me find it that'd be gr8 thx (also I really need your reviews to help improve my writing thank u)

I also highly recommend you play some songs whilst reading:

Intertwined - Dodie Clark


Neither of them knew what the time was, for what they know is that the only light they had was the lamp standing beside the bedside table; Malfoy's room hasn't been this heated since that night. Hermione was a minute away from drifting to sleep. Her warm body clutched into his, her head on his shoulder and her arm resting on his bare chest. It was until then, he shifted his body to the side to face her, taking the strands of her hair to the back of her ear so he would get a better look on perhaps the most warm, and dazzling eyes he had ever seen. Don't even get him started on her smile.

Draco wrapped his arms around her and gave her a comforting hug. She can hear his heartbeat and that made her feel okay. She smiled. How can a few months of being pushed away can lead to something to be pulled into?

Draco kissed her crown and whispered in a lazy, but sincere tone. "Hermione, will you forgive me?"

"forgive you for what?" she looked up to him.

"For everything, of course. I know I haven't been the best throughout the years, but somehow you made your way into my life. It's crazy." he said, taking the back of her hand to kiss it gently.

"you think it's crazy?" she chuckled.

"I also think you're crazy" he smirked. "I get that comment sometimes" she said. "In a great way, I mean" he replied.

"I know"

"But really, I just can't believe this. Out of all the people you could go out with, why me? why not Potter or Weasle-bee or that gryffindor wannabe jock?"

"gryffindor wannabe jock?" she laughed. "are you talking about Mclaggen?"

"Yeah well, he's a dick, I can sense that"

"How did you know he fancied me?"

"Oh please, you don't think I'm smart enough to figure that out?"

"I didn't think of that, but I do think you have been stalking me" she smirked. "I wasn't... I wasn't stalking you. Besides, All I know back then was either you had everything the girls wanted in the yule ball, but ended up with your weird red headed friend"

"Hey!" she playfully smacked. "Sorry"

"I'm beginning to suspect you're jealous" she nudged her head to his neck a bit closer. "N-no! no?"

"mhmm. sure" her tone drifted off. "Hey, Hermione?"


"I can't sleep," he muttered.

"Do you want me to sing you a lullaby, big boy?" she joked.

"Actually, yeah. I haven't heard you sing. Not even once."

"That's cause I don't sing"

"At least maybe entertain me while we're awake" he pouted.

"What keeps you up at night, Malfoy?" she arose her head so that it was resting on her palm to look at him.

"Other than the fact that I made a stubborn gryffindor into my bed, nothing" he pursed his lips. "Tell me you're joking" her head raised a little to laugh. "I'm not."

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