14. the vow

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Hermione wanted to hex him that bad, her hand clinging onto the edge of her wand, but holding her anger in. She took a sharp inhale, though the corners of her eyes were closing in, she had to keep herself calm if she wanted to help him.

But before she could even speak, they both heard leaves crumpling and crushing and footsteps coming near. Hermione quickly snapped her head around to see Snape, in his most undesirable expression, in which he held a grudge look, with his wand as his light, snaring back down at Hermione. "Professor.. I--"

"Miss Granger, you are not needed here, how many times should I tell you?"


"Ten points from gryffindor, if you do not wish to come back to the castle immediately I will have you expelled at hogwarts" he sneered with a long, deep voice.

"Fine. Expell me. I dare you. Because if you did, it's only going to make me help Malfoy." she snapped. "Is that a threat, miss Granger, or are you just so stubborn in your own ways?"

"Stubborn enough to believe you can't expell me." she said with thorough bravery in her tone. Draco furrowed his brows at her, almost as if he wanted to snigger at her words. But her tone meant business. She was serious. "What are you trying to prove anyway, Granger? you seem to be far too obsessed with me" Draco let out a chuckle. "If it wasn't for Snape giving clues, I wouldn't even be here to give you that damn wolfsbane potion!" she spat. Snape blinked, how did she manage to brew such an expensive potion?

"Very well, Mr. Malfoy, you may go home now." said Snape. Hermione let out a frustrated sigh, as if she was ready to give up on both of them. Once he had dissapeared from the scene.

"Professor, I--"

"I already told Mcgonagall that I want you to take care of Malfoy. Soon I will be unable to protect him, so I entrust you with his life." he said directly, Hermione's eyes widened as she gulped. But she knew the challenges she was about to face. After all, she still thinks that she is responsible for Malfoy's behavior when she could've helped him before. Atleast that's what she thinks. "We need to head down at her office since you cannot be controlled with your own actions. What a stubborn gryffindor you are. Just like..." his words trailed off.

"Like Harry, sir?"

Snape didn't reply, instead he continued to walk back to the castle.

They hurried back to the office to see Mcgonagall pacing around the room worried. "Ah, Professor Snape, you've finally came... With... Miss Granger?" she asked with a puzzled look. Snape walked towards to Mcgonagall to discuss something in private matters, as Hermione looked around the place where Dumbledore's office used to be. She glanced at the giant portrait of Dumbledore, sleeping soundly, reminding her of what Malfoy had done.

Flashbacks. All leading to where Hermione had run out the castle to see their beloved professor, faintly cold at the ground, his his eyes staring darkly at the night sky, not even his pupils have moved a bit, nor was his body.

Then she thought, is this even worth it? is Malfoy worth all the trouble?

Hermione's eyes blinked back at Mcgonagall and Snape who seemed to have their conversation ended with Mcgonagall's deep and loud sigh. "Don't make me regret this, Professor," said Mcgonagall, her eyes moving to Hermione.

"Miss Granger, since you have showed true heroic actions upon the caution of Malfoy's constant transformation, I would like to ask you one, very thoughtful, and slightly regretable thing." she walked to Hermione.

"What is it, Professor?" is she going to ask me to leave hogwarts for Malfoy? but what about my grades? what about my N.E.W.T.S? she thought to herself as she gulped.

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