8. first to know

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Hermione Granger was a curious cat, so curious that even the simplest problems, she adds a bit of extra research on it. And as for her situation of being inside the Manor, hearing noises coming from an open door, there is no surprise to her that this curiosity might endanger her.

Hermione tried her best to tip-toe thru the cold cemented floors which were luckily not made of wood, and she slowly peeked thru the open door.

She saw nothing, so she made her way inside. The window was open so she thought that he must've jumped out of the manor so he wouldn't be seen, she looked out from the open window, and then with one quick second, she was stiff as a board, and her body eventually fall back to the ground, her wand started to roll down the floor.

She can still move her eyes though, but when she did, she saw Draco Malfoy, and his chest was full of scars and marks. He glared at Hermione, and of course, took the wand right after, fiddling with it.

"I don't know how you got in here but I'm impressed. After all the running and chasing, I thought you were a killer-- no wait. You might be" he kneeled down at her. "How can I trust you?" he asked with his voice sounded deeply.

He took a few steps backwards, all the way to the corner of the room to unfreeze her. and when she did, she jumped and panted, furrowing her eyebrows back at him. "explain" Draco commanded, his wand was still pointing right at her.

"Y-you're not dead" she muttered under her breath, making Draco chuckle. "How smart of you to not think of me as a ghost when I am standing right in front of you"

"Now leave" said Draco.

Hermione stood up and gave him a fierce look to know that she wasn't afraid of him even if she's wandless. "Give me back my wand"

"Why should I? you took mine"

"You should be lucky I found that lying around the woods-- somebody could've took it and you'll never find it again, you clumsy prick"

"woah, slow down there, you don't know what you're up against" The familiar Malfoy smirk formed in his lips.

"Up against?" she scoffed. "Pansy Parkinson cried because she thought you died! She went to visit you and all she found was a ransacked whatever it is you call a house"

"Oh so now you're judging the way I handle things in my own property?"

"That's not the point, Malfoy. Your girlfriend was worried about you! She told everyone you're dead"

"Let's keep it that way, Granger, we don't want any snitches around here" he lied back down on his utterly messy cluttered bed and sighed. "I can't believe you," she rolled her eyes. "Still amazed that I'm alive, hm?"

"You are an absolute pathetic coward!" she spat. "You were on probation, and yet you faked your death, now you're teaming up with Snape so he could help you pull out this lie you made about a werewolf killing you--"

"It wasn't a lie" he snapped his head at her. "There are werewolves"

"Yeah well no shit, but you don't need to fake your death if all this time you've got no plans of going back to hogwarts and seeing Parkinson again--"

"I didn't do it because of that"  he looked right into her eyes. "There are... other reasons"

"And what is that exactly?"

Draco looked back at the open window to see the clouds turning into a lilac sky. "And that reason should make you go away, now leave!" said Draco.

"I am not leaving until you tell me what is it"

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