1. the death

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It was september of 1999, everyone boarded the hogwarts express of platform nine and three-quarters. Hermione Granger, who was part of the famous golden trio, that saved the wizarding world from the dark lord, Voldemort, took a deep breath, knowing that this would be her last time boarding the train, hence it was their final year. 

She joined Harry and Ron at the same compartment, Harry sat beside Ginny, who is now his girlfriend. Ron and Hermione's relationship however, did not go as planned. In fact, they didn't consider dating at all.

One year ago they shared a kiss inside the chamber of secrets, because they both thought they were going to die saving everyone, so might as well do it before they take their last breath. Surprisingly enough, after the battle of hogwarts, Hermione didn't have a place to stay because she had obliviated her parents, so she stayed at the Weasley's burrow. Both Ron and Hermione never spoke of their kiss ever since. They stayed awkward until Hermione had asked him if the kiss meant something to him. Sadly, Ron didn't have a thing for her, and apologized right after, not even the horcrux's threat to Ron changed his mind, thinking that he just got caught up in the heat of the moment, when the horcrux knew that Ron was only jealous of Harry's perfect life, getting the perfect girl, and to Ron leaving him nothing.

Eventually it took them weeks long until they decided to stay good friends.

Before the train started, Collin Creevey, who survived the battle of hogwarts because of madam Pomfrey, handed Harry a copy of the daily prophet. Harry thought it was just another Rita Skeeter scoop, but the front headline shocked him.


Ever since the war, The Malfoys have almost completely vanished from the wizarding world after being cursed by their dark lord when they turned down against him at his brink of death. Students that were taken part of the dark mark was fortunately spared, including the only Malfoy left in the family, Draco Malfoy. He was also spared from being sent to azkaban by means that the ministry proven him innocent because he hasn't used any of the three unforgivable curses. However wizards and witches wanted him dead, but the ministry of magic has decided to put him in probation for one month. People say that he was living alone in the Malfoy manor, not until one unfateful night, screams of terror and howling was regularly heard from the place, that even muggles hear. The villagers who are meters away found ripped, and torned clothes lying amongst the branches on the woods near the said manor. Villagers say that Malfoy was never seen ever since after the incident, and that he was the only one seen wearing clothes like that. Some even say that there are new and vicious creatures lurking about in the woods, coming into a conclusion that Draco Malfoy was murdered by the forest creature, yet his body is still missing. Only brave souls would want to look for him in the dangerous woods, or even worse: to enter the manor itself.

"Draco's dead..." said Harry and took a long pause, and blinked his eyes. Though they've been enemies for way too long, he felt a little pity over him. Ron, Ginny, and Hermione's eyes widened by what Harry said, but Hermione contradicted, "Oh come on, Harry. He can't be dead. Must've been another Rita Skeeter's horrible joke" as she yanked the newspaper out of his hands.

Hermione's jaw dropped once she'd read the paper. Her heart stopped for a moment, as if the words written on the paper is drowning herself to even speak. Ron, who would likely to buy treats from the trolley, lost his appetite, and everyone inside their compartment went silent, and lifeless because even though Malfoy was a bully, they never thought Draco would die without changing for the better.

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