19. christmas eve

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"Why?" Draco huffed, as his chest started to heave in disbelief, massaging his temples, as he closed his eyes, with his back leaned on the wall. "I... I knew you'd react like this, but Draco, you had to know." said Hermione.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?! Before I kicked her out--"

"Calm down, when I came here I didn't know Professor was hiding it from you all along! I was just following the vow--"

"Vow, vow, vow, fucking hell this is unbelievable" he tried to let out a sarcastic laugh, but really he wasn't pulling it off with all the rage he was trying to control. "I am so sorry, Draco. I really am."

"I kicked her out! I kicked MY girl friend out! Do you know how hard it was? when I believed him telling me that she didn't love me anymore?! I spent so much time trying my best to get to her! To try and get over her!" He spat. Hermione wanted to comfort him, but Draco was too mad that patting his back would be the last thing she'd want to do. Hermione stood there frozen, wondering if it was ever a mistake to tell him the truth. "I don't know what to believe anymore" he said.

"Draco.." she finally walked towards him. "Y-you know you could still get her back.." said Hermione, handing his wand over to his open palm, closing it with both of her hands gently for him to grip. "You can apparate to wherever she is right now. She didn't stay in the castle for the holidays" she said.

"There's still hope for you two," Hermione looked into his grey eyes, and slowly, her heart felt like it was crumpling like paper; she didn't exactly know the reason why.

"I don't know where she is" he cleared his throat. "I can teach you how to cast a patronus, if you'd like. It can send a message to her." said Hermione. Draco sighed, and finally nodded, "Fine, how do I do that?"

"I think it's best we do it outside"


"Ginny, tell us the truth" said Harry, as the three of them with Ron stayed at the living room to have a conversation while the rest were in the dining room. "What truth? I don't know what you mean,"


"okay, fine! I forgot to buy Ron a present!"

"What?!" Ron raised his eyebrows. "N-no, that's not what I meant" said Harry. "But she forgot her older brother a christmas gift" said Ron. 

"What we meant to say is what happened to Hermione? she's been acting very odd lately, and she's not here!"

"Didn't she tell you that already? I mean, she talked to you before we left" Ginny replied with her arms crossed. "yeah, and she told me she was going to do a counter curse on obliviate"

"Sounds good to me" said Ginny.

"It's risky, Ginny! do you know how many wizards tried that and failed? they got locked up in azkaban for it!" said Ron.

"Oh come on, Hermione's a smart girl, she can handle it"

"Ginny, Ronald, Harry, come on, dinner's ready" Molly called. She then noticed Ron and Harry looked very dissapointed. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I uh.. forgot to bring Ron a present" Ginny pursed her lips.

"Ah well, that's fine, Ginny, dear, now come!"

"We'll talk about this later, Ginny" Harry whispered. Ginny gulped and nodded. How is she going to tell him without killing Hermione?

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