4. forbidden forest

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Hermione and Ginny were now both paying attention to Snape leaving early during dinner time every two weeks, until Ginny herself got tired and tried to ignore it off the next few days. This has gone for the whole two weeks.

"Hey, Ginny, Ginny!" Hermione tapped on her shoulder. "What?" she asked, munching on her food. "Look," she motioned over Snape, who almost sneakily and hurridly left the great hall.

"Let's go" Hermione whispered.

"Wait, where are you going?" Ginny asked.

"We're going to stop Snape"

"From what?!"

"I don't know, whatever he's up to" Hermione stood up, but Ginny stayed. "Hermione, I'm serious, don't mess this for Harry. Please." Ginny pleaded.

"I won't, don't worry" Hermione was still stubborn, and insisted to leave herself.


"Where's she going?" Ron asked.

"T-to the bathroom" Ginny lied.

"Yeah, but you two look suspicious, what are you up to?"

"Gosh, Ronald it's private lady business, you care to join in?" Ginny spat.

"what kind of lady business--"

"Why the hell would I tell you in front of everyone eating, of course she went to the bathroom for a reason to why it's private.. Unless you want me to share you full details" she said. Ron had gone silent, and Harry was talking to Dean and Seamus he couldn't even hear a thing about what the two were talking about.

Meanwhile, when Hermione had succesfully and sneakily followed Snape, she had reached Hagrid's place, wherein Snape had walked to the forbidden forest.

Hermione ran to Hagrid's hut, knocked on the door and waited for Hagrid to open it. "Ey, Hermione? Good evening, what brings you here?"

"I need you to come with me," Hermione quickly pulled Hagrid's arm and a lantern with her but Hagrid stopped and asked, "w-wait, hold on, why?"

"It's about Snape! He's been acting very weird lately and now he's went to the forbidden forest" said Hermione.

"Not this again, Hermione. We've been through this, he's a nice guy--"

"I know he is, but what if he's a werewolf?" she took out her wand and lit the lantern open. "Professor Snape? A werewolf? That is impossible! what makes you say that?"

"Just come with me" said Hermione, as she walked out of the hut to the forbidden forest, with the full moon glistening above them. "See? look, it's the full moon, why on earth would Snape go in here without any reason?" she whispered, when they get a little too far from Hogwarts, they heard muffles and twigs breaking from a distance, and the cry of a raven that was up on a tree, tilting and looking at Hermione and Hagrid.

Hagrid still didn't believe Hermione, and he kept telling her to come back, but she still wasn't listening.

When walking, the raven started to follow them, the rustling noises started to increase, which meant they were near.

"Lumos," said Hermione, scanning around the place until she finally saw a werewolf, munching a meat, that looked like it was a paste Hermione had to make for Snape.

"p-professor?" she whispered, moving backwards slowly.

The werewolf snapped its head to look back into Hermione, growling and drooling, the wolf dropped his food and slowly walked towards Hermione, as she backs away very slowly; the wolf started sniffing her from an utmost distance, as if it was a familiar smell.

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