11. beliefs

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Hermione was breathing heavily, as Harry had prepared tea at the gryffindor common room, they were all hanging out in front of the fire, Ginny brushing Hermione's already bushy hair, trying to calm her down. Of course she was mad at Draco, why wouldn't she be? He just left her to make everyone think she's crazy.

"Hermione, Hermione," Ginny started to hum while she brushes her hair with her fingers, taking out dusts and little twigs out of her hair. "I'm not crazy!" she snapped, causing Ron, Harry and Ginny to jolt a little.

"I'm not... crazy" she breathed out.

"Hermione, d-drink your tea," Harry stuttered at the shock, and Hermione did as she was told. She took a sip, and everyone relaxed. "Better?" Harry asked.

"I'm still angry," she furrowed her eyebrows after she gulped her hot tea.

"Hermione, it's okay. You don't need to find clues, everything will sort out on its own," said Ron.

"f-find clues? Ron! I just got the answer I needed, I don't need clues!" said Hermione. "I saw him with my very two eyes! I even touched him!" Ron and Harry gasped. "Oh, forget it" she scoffed and stormed out of the common room. "Where are you going?" Ginny asked.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air"

"But we have plenty of air here?" and the door slammed shut, they all let out a deep breath, looking at each other. "What are we going to do?" Ron asked. "She's going bonkers" he frowned.

"Look, we really need to listen to her, it's the least we can do after all these chaos she's been through" said Harry. "But Malfoy is alive, didn't she already find out that Snape's looking after him?" said Ginny.

"What about Pansy said? she told everyone he's dead. She went there." said Ron.

"Dead or not, there is no way Malfoy could've go anywhere near Hermione. If he did, he could've killed her already" said Harry. "So are you saying he's actually gone?" said Ginny. "Possibly. I mean, Snape could've easily killed him off since you know, he's a werewolf?" Ron whispered.

"I thought we're over this theory? we debunked it already!" said Ginny. "But Ginny look at how Snape's been acting the past few weeks! He keeps asking for potions. He's probably taking them for his own good, of course" said Ron. "Okay, enough with Snape but please.. Let's just stop this rubbish and help our friend" said Harry. "Where do you think she went though?" Ron asked.


"Thanks for letting me hang out with you, Luna" said Hermione, as she sat down one of the branches of the courtyard tree. "Why are you up here anyway?" she asked her.

"Well, the ravenclaw common room is filled with wrackspurts, so I had to study somewhere else," Luna smiled. "By climbing up the tree barefoot?" She knitted her eyebrows.

"Hanging with nature is better than drifting away from them. Anyway, what brings you here?"

"I just thought I needed some fresh air," she shrugged and sighed. "Oh, that's nice." and then Luna went awkwardly silent.

"Luna, you don't think I'm crazy, do you?" she broke the awkward silence. "I think the best answer to that question is that everyone has their own perspective of life and how they deal with them with unique strategies" Hermione's jaw almost dropped.

"Well, if I tell you something that is is clearly true, would you believe me?"

"If it's true, why shouldn't I?"

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