7. empty and cold

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"Hermione, look what I got! It's not actually a phoenix feather but I really like the design-- Hermione?" Ginny had stopped outside the place and searched around where she left her, still holding a bag of stuff she bought from the store. She glanced over the shops and stalls nearby and around the village, yet Hermione Granger was nowhere to be found. 

At first she thought she went back to the three broomsticks with the boys, but once she went in, they were gone already. Professor Trelawney was sitting at the table where they used to be, Trelawney's eyes darted at Ginny before she sipped her tea whilst stuttering. She shakily puts down the cup, and called Ginny.

"Miss Weasley, can you sit down with me for a moment?"

"what is it?" Ginny asked.

"You know Miss Granger, right? Hermione Granger, I believe?"

"Yes, actually I'm looking for her, I thought maybe she'd already went back to hogwarts" said Ginny, making Trelawney blink in shock. "d-did she tell you where she went?" Trelawney asked.

"No, why? have you seen her?"

"I cannot see where she is but what I do know that she'll be in danger tonight! Tonight is a blue moon, Miss Weasley"

"What does the blue moon have to do with Hermione?"

"A lot of things. Very life changing things indeed" said Professor Trelawney.


It was somewhat troubling for Hermione to follow Draco now that they're the only ones in the woods, and that she could be heard any minute now. Draco continued walking through the cold atmospheric forest, hearing the leaves crack as he steps on each and every one now that autumn is drawing near. This was going to be a lot harder for Hermione to follow, and if she makes a sound, he'll probably take out his wand and freeze her.

God knows where they were or how long it has been since she was stalking him, until she accidentally stepped on a twig creating a noise, she quickly ran behind the trees, as his head quickly turned around.

Hermione puts her hand in her mouth, trying not to make another sound, but still breathing very heavy, as Draco stood where he was, almost being frantic and looking around every direction, until he's decided to run for it. Hermione peeked through the trees, and she lost trace of him that even his footsteps weren't visible.

It was then when she knew she was completely lost in the middle of the woods, hearing howls and so she ran for it, took out her wand and said, "point me," directly leading to a continuous lead to the woods.

It took over a few minutes to find a house, but this wasn't part of the hogsmeade village at all. It looked very old and washed up, but still her wand was pointing in that direction so she kept on moving. This is probably where Draco lives, Hermione thought, clutching her wand very tightly in case of an attack.

She tapped the door with her wand, yet she didn't hear any noise coming from the inside or the outside, and she didn't even have to cast a spell, the door creeked open when she tapped.

She slowly stepped inside, search across the damaged place, no beds or foods were to be seen, not even Malfoy himself. It was very quiet, and too suspicious to be.

She looked around the place, not even a blanket was seen. Just broken wooden planks, vines hanging out from above, broken desk drawer, a dirty chair next to a broken chimney, and on the chimney was the only clean thing she saw-- a silver plate.

It was very odd to be clean. she first pointed her wand at it, luckily nothing happened. There wasn't any clean rag or gloves around so she could pick it up, and with just the tip of her finger, she touched it, and as a result, she had apparated to somewhere else.

The place went spiraling, and so was she, she gripped the plate tight and her wand on the other hand, slowly slipping from the plate to let go. She was sent into a different place, falling down onto a grass field that was obviously hasn't been trimmed. She took deep breaths, her eyes darted to the orange sky. She groaned and stood up, turning her head around the place. It seemed familiar to her. It was then she found the large house that she realized this was the Malfoy Manor.

She was already inside, and she was so far away from Hogwarts. Of course Hermione became anxious, she held her wand, and silently made her way to the front door of the manor, with leaves scattered around the place.

The house didn't look broken, suggesting that no one has been here except maybe for Draco. She could just apparate back to hogsmeade, but isn't this what she wanted all along? to find Malfoy?

The door was open to her surprise, so she let herself in. "Lumos," Hermione whispered, pointing her wand at the place that looked ruckus, empty from any person who wishes to step foot and it was very cold. Sofas and tables flipped and ripped, the chandelier was semi hanging from the ceiling, crumbles of shattered plates and glass around the place.

She took a step closer to the place, no one else was there but her, looking down at the ground and remembering how she got her scar on her forearm. She gulped, now thinking twice if she wanted to continue this hunt or not.

She saw a staircase leading upstairs, and so she went up without any consent, the corridor was very dark and cold, but there was light peeking thru the edge of an open door. The only open door-- she wanted to take a peek, and then she heard noises coming from that very same room.


"what do you mean she's gone?!" Ron gasped. "Ginny, I thought you were with her?" Harry asked.

"She was! Then she told me she'll just wait outside the shop, thought Hermione was going to buy something and then I thought she was with you and then, oh god dammit" she started pacing around the field. "We can't tell Mcgonagall about this or else we'll get ourselves in to more trouble" said Ginny. "Trouble? after all this you have only thought of one thing for this matter! Our friend is missing!" Ron snapped.

"Of course I'm worried about Hermione, can't you see I'm panicking?!" she said, as she started to bit her nail. "Okay, let's calm down, maybe she just went to the loo or something, or maybe she's back at the library, or at the common room, she's not going anywhere far from hogsmeade, I know Hermione" said Harry.

"Yeah well we don't know that yet, Harry" said Ginny. "what do you mean?" Harry knitted his eyebrows. "I saw Professor Trelawney today. She told me.. Hermione's in danger of the blue moon"

"blue moon? but that only happens--" Ron was cut off. "It's going to be tonight, that's what Professor said" said Ginny, looking very worried. "What are we going to do? it's quidditch practice" said Ron. "I'll go see if she really is in the library or in the common room, I'll be back," said Ginny, as she ran off from the field.

"Where do you think Hermione's gone?" Harry asked. "If Hermione's still worrying about Malfoy, then I'd say she'd be in the forbidden forest where Snape hides him"

"But why does she want to look for him anyway? isn't it enough that he's alive?" Harry asked. "Hermione's a curious cat, she'll want to know everything she doesn't know" said Ron. "Or maybe she likes him?"

"Or maybe she's under Malfoy's spell; which ever really works" said Ron.


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