10. scars and bruises

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"I'm not going," Draco reluctantly laughed, then shaking his head, going after his wand when all of a sudden, a jolt of light had struck upon him, "Petrificus Totalus!" Hermione casted upon him before he could get his wand.

"I'm sorry I had to do this" said Hermione, picking him up to what she thought would be lighter than expected-- he was more heavier. And since he was heavy, she abruptly pushes him to the bed and let out an exhausted sigh. She thought that she should heal his apparent scars before they leave, but casting a simple spell won't do. The blood only dried up, but the scars are still there.

Draco though can move his eyes, so when he did, he looked at Hermione's forearm to what seemed to be a rather large slit mark that could possibly need stitching. He knew about her mudblood scar, but he thought he must've taken it away by scratching it from her. Hermione wrapped a few cloths around Draco's torso where the scars were and said, "I'm going to make tea, and when I'm back, I expect you to behave nicely. It's the least you could do after I haven't killed you" tea? what tea? where's she gonna find tea in this place? he thought to himself, watching her dissapear from the room.

About a few thirty minutes later, she came back with a familiar set of tray and cups which were likely to be his, only cleaner. Hermione had to go to the village wearing robes just to buy tea, "Now," Hermione places the tray down on the nearby table. "When I remove the curse, you need to promise me you're going back with me to hogwarts, got it?" Draco didn't flinch.

"Okay." Hermione took a sharp inhale, and took the counter curse on him, making him jump up from his bed; Hermione wasn't done with him yet, her wand's still pointed directly at him.

"Merlin, woman, don't you ever give it a rest?"

"drink your tea, after this we'll go to hogsmeade. That's where I've been." said Hermione. "How'd you find my portkey?" he asked, slowly getting out of the bed and taking the cup.

"I followed you," said Hermione. Draco let out a slight chuckle. "Stalker" and Hermione snapped her eyes at him, making sure that she was mad and that she meant business. Draco cleared his throat. "So, how'd you found out I was here? that I'm still alive?"

"Snape gave us clues. I was the only one who solved it. He's probably asking for our help, and so I willingly did" said Hermione. "He's been taking care of you, isn't he?" Draco nodded. "I only go there if I'm hungry,"

"So you don't have any money?"

"How do you expect a dead person go up to gringotts and ask for money?" he asked sarcastically.

"Fair point." she sighed.

"What else did Pansy say to you?"

"Nothing else but the fact that you two have been dating and how she was terribly worried about you," said Hermione. "Worried? about me? don't make me laugh"

"Why so?"

"Are you actually going to ask me that fucking question? why's she still assuming that I'm dating her?"

"probably because you haven't broken up yet--"

"she bloody cheated on me with my best friend!" He exclaimed. "There, you happy?" Hermione had gone silent. It must've been awful for him. Hermione thought.

"Pathetic. I don't even know why she's crawling back into my life. Who would want a werewolf as their other half anyway?" He scoffed, taking a sip of his tea, and then his eyes darted back to Hermione's scar, when she noticed he was looking, she quickly covered it with her sleeve.

"We're going," said Hermione.


"We can't just possibly put up missing posters on walls, Mcgonagall's gonna kill us!" said Ron, exiting the shrieking shack after Harry-- They've tried looking for Hermione there, which was the last place they've been to but still Hermione wasn't found, The panic was slowly building up inside, not even Hagrid knows where she is.

Just then, before going to the three broomsticks for a break, Ginny saw a familiar figure on the end of the village. "Hermione?" she blinked her eyes, and ran towards her from a distance.

And it was true, Hermione has returned, looking awfully tired and exhausted, Ginny ra up to her to embrace her. "Oh my god, where have you been?! we've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Ginny, thank goodness you're here, I've got important news. I brought--" Hermione's words trailed off when she turned around to see Draco gone from behind. "Who?" Ginny asked.

"Malfoy! he was with me a few seconds ago. Malfoy!" Hermione yelled at the forest. "I think you need to take a rest, Mione. Let's go"

"No! It's true! he's alive, I just saw him with my own two eyes, and get this--"

"Hermione! there you are!" Harry interrupted, giving her a hug. "Are you okay? were you hurt?" Ron asked. "I am fine, really. But we need to find Malfoy"

"Oh not again," Ron muttered under his breath.

"Hermione, Hermione, look at me." Ginny held her shoulders and shake it a little bit. "He's not here. Malfoy is probably hiding and definitely won't let you see him. You have to let it go"

"Ginny, no. you don't understand--"

"She needs a bloody break, look at her!" Ron eyed her from head to toe, looking all messy and dirty. "Come on, let's take you back to the common room and fix you up," said Harry, patting her back. "You don't think I'm crazy, do you?" the three looked at each other, making Hermione scoff, and storm off.

"Hermione, Hermione!" Ginny called, as the three of them followed her. "We don't think you're crazy," said Harry. "You're just tired,"

"I am not tired!" Hermione spat. "If you really are my best friends you should know that I've came from the manor and saw Malfoy himself"


"No. We believe you," Harry cuts Ron off.

"Harry?" Ron whispered.

"We do. You can tell us all about it later but for now, you need to get some rest. We're worried about you, Mione" Harry obliged.


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