13. help

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Oh how the curiosity of one's mind never ends. After class, Hermione had decided to stay at Slughorn's classroom to finish on a potion she'd been brewing without any professor's consent. Believe it or not, Hermione's money might've reduced dramatically because of this-- The Wolfsbane Potion.

Whilst brewing it she begins to wonder why Snape never thought of giving one to Draco, but then again she couldn't blame him, every bits of the ingredients were expensive, and even had asked George Weasley to send her the things she needed since none of it was available at hogsmeade. But how is she going to get back her money after all of this?

"Knock knock?" Harry slightly opened the door. "Ugh, what's that smell?" he asked, letting himself inside.

"Nothing. Just extra work.." Hermione lied.

"It's okay, Mione. Ron isn't with me" he chuckled, closing the door behind him. "Exactly! I shouldn't have told you what I saw last night. Snape trusted me."

"So.. he trusted you? and not me?"

"Harry, I think we all know the logical explanation of you not being able to help Malfoy is that you hate each other. What if one night you try to help him and takes advantage of his capability and kill you?" said Hermione, stirring her potion clockwise as so. "Snape's trying to protect you, Harry"

"and he doesn't care about your safety?" Hermione turned around to say something and then realized that he might be right about this one. "I had one night with him, it was horrible. It was a good thing I found a potion that sent him off to sleep" she said whilst pouring the potion into a large bottle. "This has come to a conclusion that Snape needs you to take care of him because you're... smart?" Harry knitted his eyebrows. "Come to think of it, yeah. I guess so." she shrugged.

"Can we not tell this to Ron?" she asked, fiddling with her wand. Harry only sighed.

"Look, I know it seems wrong not to tell our best friend what's going on." said Hermione.

"Ron.. Ron already lost a brother. You and I treat him as our brother. It's bad enough to lie about this, Hermione. He's already devasted, he said he should be helping George at his shop instead of going back to hogwarts" Harry explained.

"We don't have to lie to him, Harry"

"But he'll start to feel suspicious because we act like we are suspicious. If it wasn't for our constant pleading to tell him he should finish his last year here, he'd be at diagon alley right now. We asked him to be with us and now that he is here with us, he feels like he's an.. outcast"

"Harry, listen to me. If you care about Ron so much, I do too. We both can agree that they could kill each other if they met, now if we could just keep this for the both of us, he'd be avoiding danger. Do you understand?" she asked. "Please? for Ron." Harry let out a frustrated sigh and finally nodded. "Yeah, okay. for Ron."

"Good, can I borrow the marauder's map?"


While Snape was having a little chat with Hagrid about the new creatures he had got, Ginny had run up to him, panting and in need of his help. "Professor! Professor! There's a fight! down at the quidditch field" she said whilst taking breaths in between. "What does it have to do with me, Miss Weasley?"


"Please be clear and--"

"Slytherins, trying to take the field" Ginny tried to make reason with him.

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