Chapter 14 - Never Happened

Start from the beginning

"Aw, how flattering." Evan mused, fanning his face.

Then I smirked. "But numbers can. 7 out of 10."

"What the- Ava!"

I burst out laughing at his whining, clutching at my abdomen as it was starting to hurt. "Just a joke, Ev."

He pouted at me and crossed his arms in feigned hurt, which I found painstakingly adorable, it pierced my heart like a cupid's arrow. "I'm not talking to you again."

"Oh really?" I teased, leaning in and trying to make eye contact with him but he was being hard to deal with since he kept on looking away from me. Anything but me. "Come on, Evan." I cooed, trailing a finger on his arm. Evan visibly shuddered. "Don't tell me you can't forgive this girl right in front of you." I ran a hand through his hair and I guess that was where his restraints snapped.

He gripped my wrist with an iron grip at record speed.

I gasped in surprise, eyes locking with his blue ones. We were torturingly close, just inches apart, having been pulled together at some point during the fray. I bit my lip softly, a sudden feeling of nervousness hitting me and his eyes flickered down to my lips for just a second. Evan inhaled sharply before he finally shook his head and let me go, looking away with a tinge of red on his cheeks.

"That-" He breathed, fiddling with his thumbs. "Never happened, okay?"

I blinked. Once. Twice. Before I finally processed what had happened.

I don't know why but I felt something sink in me.

"Hey, its okay." I smiled, getting up and brushing the dirt off my pants. I winked at him. "It never happened." I caressed Boo's head who had been watching silently at the side before ruffling Evan's sandy blonde hair.

"You have my word." I said, walking away while waving my hand at them. Its about time I left for home. "Never happened."


"Never happened!" I called back, already jogging the opposite way towards my home. I held up my hand and crossed my fingers for him to see, sending one last smile his way.

I shut my eyes close and muttered under my breath. "It never happened anyway."


I walked home, noticing how strangely gloomy it was. I was just about to drown myself in my sudden depressing mood when a black Porsche pulled up beside me on the sidewalk. The window was pulled down and a familiar face poked out.

He leaned his arm over the window and smiled at me. "Need a ride, pumpkin?"

I found myself smiling, all negative thoughts flying out the window as I made my way to the passenger's side. "Thanks, Noah." I bumped my fist with his as the car revved to life again and pulled out of the sidewalk. "You're officially my favorite uncle."

Noah's laughter bounced off the walls of the expensive car. "You won't mind if we took a detour, would you? I was on my way to a cafe nearby and I happened to run into you."

"Sure. I'm starving right now."

"So." Noah started, the car turning a corner. "What were you doing walking home alone all sad-looking?"

I cursed silently to myself. Damn Noah for being so sharp! "Just finished my shift at the diner."

"Your shift ends at 6pm."

"I asked to leave early. I was feeling down for no reason."

Noah gave me an odd look. "Why?" He pressed. He narrowed his eyes at me. "I've known you my whole life. I know when there's a reason."

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