Chapter Nine

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Wow... okay, so I bet none of you were expecting this, I sure as hell wasn't. I would like to dedicate this chapter to my newest fan, for leaving me such wonderful comments and breaking me out of my writer's block. When I was reading all your comments I swear I had an epiphany as to where exactly this story's going and how I'm going to get it there, so I thank you whole-heartedly for that! =)

Don't forget to leave me a comment guys and let me know what you think, I'm always up for constructive criticism or just hearing what you guys think about it. I was going over the earlier chapters of this and I am more than aware that it needs to be severely edited, my writing style has developed a lot more since starting this, so hopefully I'll be able to get to it and give them a quick once over just so flows better. I hope you all enjoy! =)

(Also, I want a Beast. I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with one, or how the hell I'm going to get something that was created by my own mind, but I WANT IT... That is all.... XD)

Chapter Nine

Making my way to Aaron's office, I was both anxious and reluctant. I didn't want to have this conversation, but I was eager to get it over with. Jo nodded and stepped aside before I even said anything, tapping on the door and pulling it open for me. I gave a nod of thanks and cautiously stepped into the room with my eyes on the drab, concrete floors.

"Harlow," Aaron said, his voice soft yet filled with surprise, "What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if I could get permission to take a car out today," I mumbled, still avoiding his eyes as I fiddled with my vest, which was already secured firmly.

"Did Liz‒?"

"Yeah," I cut in before he could say it. "Yeah, she did."

"Are you still taking Finn with you?" he asked gently.

"And Aysh."

"Are you going far?" I merely shook my head in reply. "I'll tell Paul to sign you out."

My heart stuttered in my chest as my anxiety grew. Was he really not going to mention it? I could feel myself brimming with hope as I muttered my thanks and spun on my heel to make a hasty getaway.

"And Harlow?" Damn. Pausing, my hand stayed firmly around the cool metal of the doorknob. "... I'm really sorry about your brother."

Closing my eyes for a second, I tried to push away the pain, to lock it away with all the other emotions I couldn't deal with. "... Me too." I left before he could say anything else. I just couldn't talk about it yet. The pain was still too fresh, too raw. I needed time.

"You guys ready?" I asked my hunting group for the day when I joined them back in the dining room, urn in hand. They exchanged a glance before standing, following me out to the garage.

Once we were all armed ‒ much better than usual due to Finn tagging along ‒ I headed over to one of the Beasts. The old SRT vans were military issued back in the day, when the conversion first began. The design had come a long way in the past forty or so years. What once used to be a big, bulky, armoured SUV was now sleek in its Sedan design but even more indestructible. We only had four of them, but Finn, Paul, Tal and Genjo had taken their time tweaking them until they were perfect. A rotating roof hatch was fully rotational and had a removable mini auto cannon designed by Finn of course, and multiple firing ports gave us almost full coverage; all we had to do was wind down the windows, slip in our snipers and we were good to go. Add bullet proof glass, almost completely indestructible armour and a near-silent engine that even our undead friends couldn't hear, and you had yourself a Beast.

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