Chapter Eight

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Wow, okay, finished this earlier than was expected. So yeah, you guys know what to do, vote, fan, COMMENT *wink wink nudge nudge*, belt out some Sexy and I Know It whilst swinging those hips (not me -- surprisingly enough -- but the matron of honour), spill every glass of liquid that enters your hand -- again, surprisingly not me --, and sneeze and bust the zipper of your bridesmaids dress 20 minutes before you walk down the aisle and have to get sewed into it -- the same one who kept spilling alcohol --... wow, I actually remained from making myself look like a fool at this wedding! YAY!

Chapter Eight

“Who is this, ‘almighty powerful vamp’?” I asked, stretched out on his cot with my arms behind my head.

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that he’s after me, and that’s not good,” Zane stated. I turned my head to the side to look at him stretched across the cold cement ground next to me, mirroring my own position.

“Why is he after you?” I asked, still not entirely understanding his very vague explanation. He blew out a gust of air.

“Because I... it’s just really complicated. Can’t we just leave it at that?” he asked, turning his head to the side to face me. I finally realised what had been so off about him before and bolted upright, swinging my legs around so I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

“What the hell happened to your eyes?” I asked. He grinned and sat up.

“I was wondering how long it would take for you to notice. I didn’t expect it to be this long, but still. Contacts,” he said proudly as I stared into his deep, chocolate brown irises.

“But how are you gonna pull that off? I mean, you have to take them out to sleep—”

“Do you know a lot about before the Conversion started?” he inquired, tilting his head to the side. His use of the word ‘Conversion’ took me off guard. It was what the virus had been labelled as when it first started to sweep through the world, but only we hunters ever used it. I’d never heard a vampire refer to it as that before. I shook my head. “Basically, among many other things, contacts were developed that would never need to be taken out or changed. They had to be surgically implanted so they wouldn’t move behind the eyeball, but after that they never have to be changed again.”

“So how did you—”

“I know a guy,” he answered with a shrug before I finished asking my question. I shuddered involuntarily.

“That’s creepy.” He just smirked at me. “Come on, we should go. Aaron will want to meet you,” I said as I stood up and stepped over his legs, making my way out and not bothering to check if he was following me or not.

*          *          *

“So you know each other how?”Aaron asked, looking Zane over with scrutinizing eyes.

“You remember that day I got separated from Tal?”

“You mean that day you deliberately parted from your partner to go after stragglers alone? Yes, I remember it quite well,” he spat, turning his accusing glare on me. I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Well, basically it wasn’t as easy as I told you it was.”

“You lied?” he demanded.

“I didn’t lie! Per se, I just... toned down the truth a bit.” He arched an unconvinced eyebrow. “Okay fine, I lied. Whatever, I’m fine! I’m not dead, I’m not infected, so can we move on please!” He gave a single nod. “Thank God,” I muttered under my breath, but from the look he gave me I guessed he heard me anyway. “Okay, so I pretty much walked straight into Valentine’s ambush and... well... I sort of... almost...”

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