Chapter Seven

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 *Sniffle sniffle* bring the kleenex my minions, it's gonna be a sad one *blows nose* You'll find out who Alex is in this chapter, and that's all I can say or else I'll give everything away. But yes, I bawled like a little baby whilst writing this. Hopeless I know, what can I say? I get attached easy.

The song on the side is my new addiction, it's called Running Away by the amazing band Midnight Hour. It is such a beautiful song... I'm addicted ;D I was listening to it whilst writing (and crying)  some of this chapter, you'll know which parts when you read it. If you like it they have a Youtube channel and hopefully their stuff will be up on iTunes soon. I hope so at least. *Crosses fingers and wishes really hard* ... Woops, I think I strained too hard... Lmao, sorry *sheepish grin* couldn't help it. XD

Also, I intended on quickly editing this chappy today before I posted it, but I'm sick and have had no sleep, so if there's a whole bunch of mistakes, please excuse me and don't worry, I will fix them eventually. So yes, don't forget to vote, comment, fan, all that good stuff. =) 

Chapter Seven

“You know the rules Harlow, he has to be destroyed,” Paul told me for the fifth time.

“Please don’t! Look I’m just asking for some time! Just put him in quarantine! He mightn’t be infected!”

“They had him captured for days with no mask, and from the looks of the blood, probably fed from him. Harlow, he’s infected,” Paul stated.

“You don’t know that!” I screamed desperately. He finally stopped, causing Alex to stop too seeing as how Paul had his hand latched around his arm. He nodded at Chris and Tal.

“You know where to take him,” he said quietly, probably trying to avoid me hearing.

“NO!” I screamed, lunging forward, only to be held back by Paul.

“Harlow let him go,” he said quietly, his arms locked around my waist. I tried to dive over his shoulder, my arms reaching out for my brother. My poor, hurt, terrified brother.

“ALEX! STOP! ALEX!” I screamed desperately, fully aware that I was weeping like a baby. My voice was hoarse and hitching on my words as his green eyes stared back at me in fright and concern. Typical Lex, he’s about to be killed yet he’s worrying about me. He always was protective, the idiot. If only he’d spent less time trying to protect me and more time keeping himself safe he wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. “ALEEEEXX!” I screamed loudly as they dragged him around the next corner. I fell into a mess in Paul’s hold, not having enough energy to fight as my entire body shook with sobs. I could feel I was moving but didn’t even care enough to check where Paul was taking me. If they killed Alex then I had absolutely no reason to be here. I had no reason to live. He was the only reason I was still alive now.

I heard a door close and felt an arm stroking my back. That couldn’t be Paul, that was way too touchy feely for Paul. He didn’t do feelings, or emotions, or comfort. He did fighting and killing.

“Harlow you’ve gotta calm down,” Paul whispered. Huh, well this is awkward... “There’s no point in crying, it’s not going to change anything. There’s no use in getting upset.” That pulled me out of my pity party. I shot away from him as if he’d suddenly caught fire, and stepped back right out of his arms.

“Excuse me?” I demanded, my voice sounding ridiculous. I was too mad at that moment to care that I sounded like a deaf walrus though. “He is my brother!” I declared roughly.

“He is infected,” Paul said calmly, not a stitch of emotion in his cool blue eyes.

“You don’t know that! You do not know that!” I shouted at him.

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