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Jetta's POV:

Time passes by slowly

And slower

And slower

And even slower

And a whole lot slower when you are all alone in your ex boyfriend's house while he's on a date with some girl that he just met that same day you were in the hospital. I'm pretty much heartbroken. I mean like c'mon, you would too if they just up and left saying that they don't have feelings for you anymore. I feel like I'm being crushed by a rock. There's no way out.

I waited hours and hours for Michael to come back. He never showed. I haven't eaten since yesterday which was at the hospital. I've stayed in my spot in front of the powered off TV. It hasn't been turned on and I don't plan for it to be for a while. It's going on nine at night and my stomach is growling. I'm not going to eat. I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry. I try to convince myself that I'm not. I'm just bored. You aren't hungry, you're bored because Michael isn't here so just go to sleep or something. That apparently can't happen either.

"Hey Jet I'm home!" I hear Michael call from the front door. I don't move while I keep my attention on the blank screen of the TV. "Jetta?" I hear his footsteps come up behind me. A hand waves in front of my face, knowing that it's Michael, I cant seem to turn to face him.

"Fine, don't talk to me." He scoffs and stomps off to his room-leaving me alone yet again. I snap out of my trance and get a glance at his hair before he leaves the living room. The multiple time dyed hair that went to his natural dirty blonde hair to black to some random color that just happened to match his personality. It was messy-messier than usual. He did it with Dakota. The first night he met her, they did it. I shouldn't be hurt over this. I should be happy that Michael found somebody new. Happy that I can date Ashton without anybody coming in between us. Life doesn't work that way. Ashton left-I don't even know if we are still a couple anymore by the way he reacted. I don't even know where in the hell he is!

 But with Michael: he's so sweet, he can tell when there is something wrong with you, and he's just plain wonderful. I still wonder why I ditched him anyway. I had a sweet boy who cared about me, that could have given me everything I could have ever wanted or needed and I ditched him for Ashton. Ashton who had the cute laugh, the dimples, the smile....

Fuck my life. He had everything that my daughter has. The only thing she got from me was half her eye color and parts of her hair-everything else is Ashton-pure Ashton. I want her back-there's probably nothing I can do about it other than going to the nearest orphanage.

And that's just what I'm going to do.

Ashton's POV:

"That's quite a story." I say to the woman in front of me.

"Yes, it was a hard time for me and my family. I'm just glad that they were there for me." I nod and push my hair back and off of my forehead. I've gotten to know Lenore fairly well in the course of the night that I've spent at her house.

Her husband died the night after their 34th anniversary from a car crash, a lot similar to mine, on his way home from work. She was going to kill herself after receiving the horrible news, but decided not to and changed her mind at the last second. She wanted to help people who were on death's row and nurse them back to health so they could live a full life, unlike her late husband. She's told me that she's saved over twenty people in the past two years from minor and serious injuries. She was a nurse so she knows exactly what she's doing when she fixes people up.

"So I have one question-how did you get me to your car? I know you couldn't carry me by yourself." I ask. It would have been a difficult strain for her 5'3 frame to drag my 6'0 unconscious body from my car to hers.

"I had some extra help from God. He made me stronger than I had ever been and he helped me pull you into my car and then to the room you have been staying in. His grace has amazing strength. He helped me get through the death of Ronald and has kept me in his personal circle of good health and well being." My mind reels at the inspiring words Lenore just spoke and it sinks in.

She sighs and puts on a sad smile at the thought of her husband, "So what's your story? Why were you speeding down the road?"

"I-uh, I just came back from being with my girlfriend for her birthday at the club only to meet her best friend at the front door of their apartment saying that CPS took my girlfriend's daughter. She's gonig to be one next September. And then I found out that her daughter was also mine." I pause as Lenore lets out a gasp. I wet my lips and start again." I stormed off saying that I didn't want anything to do with her, which was a huge mistake. I went straight to my mother and as it turns out she already knew that the little girl was mine. I stormed off and I guess that the alcohol I had was still in my bloodstream and it got ahead of me on the road."

"That's quite a story," Lenore says copying my words from earlier. I chuckle quietly and sink back in the chair I'm sitting in a bit further. I take a big gulp of my cup of tea that Lenore had made for me earlier that has now become cold. I mumble a 'Mmm hmm' and finish off the tea.

"So have you thought about what everyone will say about your disappearance yet? Will you tell them about me?" Lenore asks quietly and puts her hands on her lap. I shake my head, "No I haven't actually. And I won't tell anyone about you if you don't want me to." Lenore's smile brings a smile to my face.

"Thank you Ashton. You are a very nice and polite boy. I hope you and your girlfriend get back together because I think that she is your rock. She ties you down to the earth and I think that her love for you also kept you alive after the crash." I nod and think about my major mistake with Jetta. I need to get her back. I'm going to leave tomorrow to find her and apologize.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I'm very grateful for your sacrifices for me." I thank her. She nods and gives me a pat on the head. "Thank you." I thank her one more time and give her a hug. Then, for a split second, I see a small tear slip from her eye.


Welp there's a shit chapter I think... I'm sorry that I haven't updated but hey! Here's a chapter for ya!

Last chapter I hit 5,000 reads and now I'm getting close to 6,000!! Eap!

Tell your friends to read this if you love me and go read my new story 'FOSTERED' it's about Luke! *nudges your shoulder* huh huh? What do ya say? Please?! ?! Get it as famous as this one is so far! I'm gonna put the summary down below so thanks! Love you guys!



I started out a good girl and then I went bad. I had straight A's. I was popular and known widely around the surrounding schools. Then my boyfriend introduced me to drugs, many different kinds of alcohol, and disgusting horrible people who have to kill for a living to earn money. My health declined greatly: I grew to nothing but skin and bones. It was disgusting. My boyfriend used me. He cheated on me with some girl. He left me. My own family ended up moving and leaving me to defend myself all alone on the streets. An orphanage took me in and then found me a foster home. What will happen when I end up secretly loving my new foster brother and I'm not certain if he would ever love me back?

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