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"I know she's not dead Michael where is she?"


Michael's POV:

"What? Of course she's dead! Are you and Ashton both both going delusional or what?!" I shout at Calum. Thank god the others left. This would ruin the entire plan.

"Really? You think I'm dumb enough to believe that you have a cousin named 'Jessa'?" Calum snorts and paces around in a circle, "look, I'm not going to tell Ashton. Obviously you don't want me to tell him-so I won't. Could you at least tell me?"

I clear my throat, "Look Cal, you're my best mate, but I can't tell you where Jetta is. She'd kill me. Although, I can keep you updated on her. Alright?" I try to reason with Calum.

Calum lets it go, "Alright fine. Are you going to come eat with us?" he asks straight faced. I shake my head no and start to wander over to my car. "Okay, suit yourself." I hear Calum say. I'm just going to eat some leftover pasta or something out of the fridge. Before I get into my car, I light a cigarette. Closing my eyes, I let the Nicotine seep into my body.

"You've gotta quit that bro," A higher voice knocks me out of tranquility. "Ashton, I thought you were going out to eat with Britt, Luke, and Cal?" I ask and finish the cigarette off with a few more puffs and then a squish under the bottom of my shoe.

Ashton shrugs, "You're my ride. I thought you could take me over there," he claps his hand on my shoulder, "buddy."

I point to the passenger seat side, "Get in." Ashton leaps over the hood of the car and scrambles into the seat. "Why didn't you just ride with them you idiot?" I mumble under my breath. Luckily, Ashton didn't hear me.

I drive Ashton to the restaurant. It's nothing fancy-almost something like a diner. "Thanks," Ashton gives me a small smile-something  I haven't seen on him in a while. He gets out of the car and catches up with the other three going into the restaurant. I think for a moment before circling the parking lot and picking a parking spot.

"Screw it," I say and unbuckle my seat belt.

"Michael! Nice of you to join us!" Luke exclaims when I take the extra seat at the table everyone is sitting at. I nod my head at him as I see Calum glare at me. 'What?' I mouth. Calum just pouts and ignores me. I'm going to have to talk to him later to straighten things out.

"Hello everyone! My name is Maya and I'll be your waitress. What can I do for all of you today? Can I start you all off with some drinks?" The dark haired girl walks up to our table and whips out a small notepad. Speaking of dark hair, she looks a lot like Jetta. I'm guessing that this meal isn't going to end well with Ashton.

"I'll have a Mountain Dew," Brittany politely says and looks to Luke. "A Pepsi for me please." Luke looks to Calum. "I'll just have a water."

"Pepsi sounds great thanks," I say and look to Ashton, whose mouth has dropped all the way down to the floor. "I-uh. I'll have-um." He stutters.

"He'll take a water as well," I don't hesitate saying and Maya quickly jots it down. "Okay, I'll bring those right out." The girl smiles and Ashton rubs his eyes to make sure he isn't seeing things.

"Ash, that's not Jetta." I say to the boy sitting beside me. Ashton places his hands over his face and sighs. "Yeah I know now. It's just that everything I see now is Jetta! I can't get her out of my head! That girl looked so much like her though!" Maya comes back with the drinks before I could talk to Ashton again and sets everyone's drink in front of them, then taking their orders.

Dinner is over sooner than anyone would have thought and we all are on our way home. I drop Ashton over at his house and then I drive back to mine. Maybe now I can get a good night's sleep, without having to worry about anything.

Ashton's POV:

 A knock sounds at my door and I groan getting up to answer whoever is even trying to bother me. "UGH! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! WHO IN THE HELL IS BOTHERING ME?!" I throw the door open to find Brittany standing there.

"Sorry for bothering you... Can I come in?" She asks, biting her lip. "My car just broke down and Luke is on his way to get me." I open the door wider and let her in. She seems anxious and sits on the couch. I sit on the opposite end of the couch and try to flip on the tv before Brittany stops me. She rips the remote from my hand and throws it across the room and scoots closer to me.

"Umm what are you doing?" I ask as Brittany touches my chest.

"Ash, babe. I'm pretty sure that you know that this was bound to happen. Something happens between you and Jetta, then maybe something between me and Luke," she continues twirling her finger on my covered chest. "and finally we could be together. You know what I'm saying?"

"Britt, seriously. I mean you're good looking and all but-"

"BUT WHAT FLETCHER? You can't let go of Jetta? God! When are you going to just give in and say she's dead and never coming back? You can have me! I'm much better than she ever was!" Brittany is interrupted with lights coming in through the front windows. "SHIT!" She curses loudly and grabs me by the collar. Brittany smashes her lips against mine just as Luke opens the front door.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I hear stomping and then sniffling.

"Luke! I'm so sorry! It wasn't my fault though! Ashton was so torn up about Jetta that he decided that he wanted to kiss me! I promise to you that it wasn't my intention!" Brittany grovels at Luke's feet and fake tears run down her cheeks.

"Mate! Seriously! If I didn't burst through the door just now-what would you have done? You could have been banging her! This isn't acceptable. Ashton-you're out of the band." Luke snarls and wraps an arm around Brittany's waist and they walk out the door together, leaving me confused and broken on my couch.

"LUKE NO!" I scream, waking up in a cold sweat. I fall back on the bed, realizing that it was all a dream. If it was real life, I have no idea what I would do.

Next step: find someone to replace Jetta.

Because I miss her.










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