--BIABY:The Night Things Changed--

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Guys I'm sorry I didn't update anything! I will have your two updates today! I got caught up watching the Lying Game and doing homework... Sorry :( Go ahead and read:)


Brittany woke up to crying in the apartment she and Jetta lived in with Jetta's daughter Adelyn. Adelyn was normally fairly quiet. Brittany could go to bed quite easily and she would wake up without any crying. But tonight, tonight was different.

A pounding sounded at the door as Brittany woke up from her little nap. Her eyes drooped and fell from exhaustion a few times. She wondered where Jetta was and why she left her all alone with Adelyn. So she decided to pick Adelyn up from her crib and set her on her hip to calm her down. Adelyn settled her crying a little bit, but still had a few sniffles here and there.

Brittany opened the door to someone she had seen before-she wasn't happy to see him. "Hello Mr. Krow." There before her stood the man who had gave up on his daughter and told her to leave his house and never come back just because she was pregnant at seventeen. His dark features protruded from his face. And his grey eyes still stared into my soul like they always have. Jetta's father has always scared the crap out of me. Now with his build, taller and bulkier than me-he scared me even more.

"Hello Brittany, how are you this fine evening?" He leaned in closer to my face. I could smell the liquor on his breath. I pushed on his chest and pulled Adelyn back away from him.

"I'm fine. You know it's like two in the morning, right David?" He nods and slurs back, "I just, I just was on my way home from the bar with, with my son-you know Nicholos. Right? Nicholos come here come say hi to Brittany. This is Jetta's friend." Nicholos pops into the doorway right beside his father and I back away further inside. Nicholos smiled smugly and wiggles his fingers, saying hi.

"Yes, I know Nicholos," Brittany narrowed her eyes at him, "did you need something? I'd like to go back to bed." David gave her a look and his smile faultered. His nostrils started to flair and his face became red. Then he stopped. 

"Yeah, is um Jetta. Is Jetta here? Or is she out whoring around?" Brittany's jaw dropped and she went to put Adelyn back into her crib where she would be able to go back to sleep. When she came back into the living room, Nicholos was sitting on the couch and drinking a soda, while David was pacing around the living room and stumbling from being drunk off his ass.

David glared at Brittany, "Jetta's here. She's just sleeping. Why did you need her?" Brittany questioned. David rushed over to her as fast as he could and pinned her against the wall. "You listen here-I'm tired of your lying. Jetta wasn't even here for the past few hours. She's been at the bar where I was. I saw her and Nic has pictures. Nic," he calls. Nicholos crushes the now empty can of soda and walks over to them.

Nicolos's phone was full of pictures of Jetta and Ashton dancing together, drunk off of their asses. They both were going to be in a lot of trouble. "Okay, I'm sorry I thought that she was here." David slapped Brittany in the face, "Quit lying!" Brittany cried out in pain and Nicholos grabbed his father's arm to hold him back. "Dad! You can't slap her!"

David pushed his son back away from him. Nicholos stumbled around until falling back on his butt. "I can do what I want to get shit done!" David screamed at his son and then looked back at Brittany. "You, go get the baby and bring her to me."

"No," Brittany argued, "it's Jetta's baby and you threw her out on the streets to raise it! I'm not going to give her to you." David pinned Brittany further onto the wall and hit her another time. "Nicholos! Get the baby and let's go!" Nicholos ran into Jetta's bedroom and ran out with a crying Adelyn.

"If anyone asks, CPS came and took her because they received a call that Jetta was an unfit mother-which she is-and she's not going to get her back. End of story-you're never going to tell Jetta. Ever." And after that note, Nicholos, Adelyn, and David left leaving a crying Brittany on the floor.


Hey guys sorry about the wait

I had a friend over and she was pretty much on my laptop the whole time :( and I have homework to do

But anyway-never saw it coming did ya? Muhahahaha!

See ya guys - next chapter will be up TONIGHT! I promise this time!

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