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Sorry for the potential cliff-hanger last chapter:) it's gonna get good!


Jetta's POV:

Michael quickly drove to the nearest hospital. Calum didn't even say what hospital it was. I guessed it was the one closest to Luke's house, but what do I know!? I was scared shit less. My daughter could possibly be dying. I don't even know what the hell is wrong with her. And what about Luke? Was he in the hospital too or?... I shook the thoughts to the back of my mind when Michael shook me signalling that we arrived at the hospital.

I texted Calum on Luke's phone, because he had it somehow. I was going to ask him where he was, but as soon as Michael and I ran inside the white hospital, I saw Calum sitting in the waiting room with his hands in his face. This wasn't going to be good news.

"Calum! What's happening?!?" I bit my lip awaiting his answer. Michael squeezed my hand. He was worried as well. Calum raised his head up; he hopped up and gathered Michael and I tightly in a hug. "I'm scared Jetta. I don't know what happened," Calum released us from his grip and sniffled a little bit.

"Family of Adelyn Krow?" A woman walked into the waiting room with a clipboard in hand. Calum, Michael, and I all raised our hands. She said to follow her and we did. She stopped at an open door and allowed us to go in.

A small crib was in the corner of the room containing my daughter. She was hooked up to many machines, most of which connected to her face and chest. I was able to hold the tears in until I was able to stand beside her. She looked...helpless. I felt as if I couldn't do anything to help her.

"We ran some tests Miss Krow and your daughter was brought here just in time. Her lungs were closing up and fast. She may be allergic to something someone gave to her, she may have asthma, or maybe she was having a panic attack. The doctors and I aren't so sure yet. But as soon as we find out m'am we will let you know." the nurse said walking over to check an IV in Adelyn's arm. I bit my lip and quietly sobbed into Michael's shoulder.

"Although," the nurse said squatting, "she wasn't injured in the car accident." My eyes felt like they were on fire when I widened them to look at Michael and Calum.

"Car accident?" I spoke, teeth clenched, "what car accident Calum?" Michael was holding me back. I was so close to snapping on Calum, so close to wringing his neck, and so close to just murdering him there in the hospital. The veins on my wrists popped out and I shook from anger.

Calum stammered in shock, "I-uh, it wasn't- don't, Luke was driving! I'm sorry! It was totally an accident! This lady and Luke didn't see each other. I'm sorry!"

The nurse cleared her throat and stood up from checking IVs and other tubes, "I can take you to see your friend if you'd like. He is on the third floor."

Calum turned quickly to the brunette and nodded quite sadly. He missed Luke a lot. They can't be separated for long. I thanked her and the four of us gathered onto an elevator in the hallway.

"Just a quick note," the nurse started, pressing the up button once we all piled in the elevator, "Mr. Hemmings hit his head when he fainted and may be suffering some head trauma. If he's awake then he may have a hard time comprehending what everyone is saying to him. His doctor gave him a very strong pain medication, so he might be out of sorts."

By the time she finished talking, we reached floor three. Michael wrapped his arm around my waist when the nurse guided us into room 268. Luke was sitting watching some show on the tv in the corner of the room. Wow Wow Wubbzy I think. He had a juice pouch in his hands sucking on the yellow straw with a cup of applesauce beside him on a tray.

"Wow Wow Wubbzy, Wubbzy Wubbzy, Wow Wow!" Luke sang along with the television. Might I add-loudly. Calum's eyes lit up when he saw his weirdo friend.

"Lukkeeeeee!!!" Calum shouted running to his best friend. Luke looked at him funny and tapped his head with his finger.

"Ah, who are you? Oh that's right! MICHAEL!!" Luke smiled and hugged Calum once he reached the bed. Calum's smile faded and his face drooped. "Erm Luke, I'm Calum, not Michael. That's Michael over there by Jetta." Calum said pointing in my direction. I waved to Luke and he waved back grinning. I saw a slight cheeky wink come from his left eye. Oh my god-that little bastard is faking it! I stifled back a laugh and whispered to Michael what was going on as Calum and Luke argued back and forth on who was who.

"No I'm Calum!" Luke interrogated.

"No, you're Luke-I'm Calum!" Calum practically shouted.

"Nuh-uh! You're Luke and I'm Calum!" Luke threw his hands up to his head running his temples.

"No I'm Luke and you're Calum!" Calum frowned.

"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU!!" I let out a huge laugh along with Michael as Calum looked around at us funny.

"What are you guys laughing at!? Luke's clearly lost his memory and you guys are just laughing about it! What the hell!"

Luke kept a straight face and pretended to study Calum's face-"You know what? Now that I think about it, you do look like a Luke."

Calum gave up and groaned. Luke curled his finger motioning Calum over to him. Luke whispered something in his ear and Calum popped up and slapped Luke on the cheek. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I THOUGHT THERE WAS ACTUALLY SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!" Luke slapped his own knee and cackled as loud as humanly possible. Michael chuckled lowly and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"So how's your arm?" Michael asked staring at the stitches in Luke's arm. Luke shrugged and then giggled. "It's okay, but wanna know something cool?" Luke traced his finger on the fresh stitches, "I feel like I'm an American football. HIKE! Throw me Calum!" Luke tried to hoist himself into Calum's arms, but failed staying on his hospital bed dying of laughter. Yup he's high off of pain medicine.

Michael took me away from Luke's room and back down to Adelyn's so I could see her before visiting hours were over. She was wheezing when I first saw her, then it gradually got better to where she stopped. A doctor walked into the room. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties.

"We found the cause of Adelyn's lung problem. She had a sudden asthma attack due to something she was doing or something somebody was doing with her. Any ideas what it could have been?" I shook my head no and looked at Adelyn's small face.

"Okay m'am. It's been a rough day, but we ran all the tests we needed to run to make sure your daughter is alright. She may go home tonight or you can keep her here one more night. Whatever you choose is best. I recommend staying one more night." I agreed with the doctor and decided to keep Adelyn here at the hospital for one more night.

Needless to say-it was the hardest night of my life.


Sorry it's been so long I was bored and I had writers block... I love it when you his tell me to update-It motivates me!!' (Hint hint)


Okay I'm gonna go and finish watching this.... bye guys


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