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Ashton's POV:

How could I be so stupid?! It's been so long and I had to ruin it. Mark up another point for 'Stupid Things Ashton's Done'. I called Michael because I knew he would be the one to help me. Luke would be hanging out with Brittany, Calum couldn't deal with my problem, if I told my mum she would end up sending me off to therapy and a mental hospital, Michael was my last resort. I'm sitting here contemplating my actions. Was it really necessary? Did I have to do this and what did it accomplish? I then answered my own question.


It accomplished nothing. It wasn't necessary and it didn't help the situation one bit. Why the hell did I decide to do this to myself!

"Fuck!" I screamed out loud, not caring if my mother heard me or not. I don't even know if she's home or not.

"Ashton?" I can faintly hear Michael call from downstairs. I yell and he comes rushing up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Ashton?" Michael said when he entered my room. "In here," I called and uncomfortably waited for him to see me waiting in the bathroom for him.

"God Ashton, you didn't make me come all the way over here to unclog your toilet did you? That would make a great April Fools joke ya know?" Michael laughed and I frowned.

"NO! Get in here!" I demanded and his footsteps became louder until the door opened. Michael stared at my face for a second until he looked where the problem was. (no it wasn't his pants xD)

"Ash, what did you do?" Michael whispers softly. I shake my head and bang it off the cabinet behind me. "Michael, I didn't know what I was thinking. Can you help me fix it?" I beg and his eyes widen.

"Well umm," He looks around the bathroom for something to cover my arms with, "wash off really quick, kay?" Michael says slamming cabinet doors and drawers. I slowly get up as my arms shake. I start the water and hiss when my arms make contact with the liquid. Tears sting my eyes, but I hold them back to spare myself even more humiliation in front of Michael.

"Here," Michael tosses some gauze from who knows where to me. I catch it and wrap it around my forearms. Michael then leaves and I wonder where he's went. I get enough strength to get out of the bathroom and walk into my bedroom. I find Michael standing in front of one of my walls looking at a picture I hung up.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He looks at me and throws a hoodie at my face. "You guys look adorable. When was this?" He asks motioning to a picture of me and Jetta at the local carnival, standing in front of the Ferris wheel.

I see the picture he's looking at and I remember the day clearly. It was a couple years ago. When we both were 16.


"Ashton, I don't think I can go up there," Jetta motions up to the however many feet high metal death trap above us. I laugh at her and grasp her hand in mine.

"I think you'll be fine," I handed the carnival man our tickets and he smiled his creepy smile. To make it even worse-he had a handlebar mustache. Jetta and I loaded into cart eighteen and cringed when the man tightened the bar in front of our chests. Then we were good to go. Jetta shook the whole time, even more when we reached the top. And of course the carnival man stopped us at the tippity top.

Jetta hid her head in my chest, which gave me the opportunity to kiss her forehead. She popped back up blushing furiously. I smirked at her and she pecked me on the lips. The ride lasted a little longer and consisted of more kisses, laughing, and smiles, until the carnival man let us off of the ride.

"That wasn't that bad was it?" I ask Jetta after we walk around a bit; passing the games and food stands.

She gives me a look, "It was terrifying! Haven't you ever thought when you were on one that it was going to come off of its hinges and roll to kill a whole hell of a lot of people?!"

I rolled my eyes and gave her a surprised face, "Are you mental?! No I haven't!" I touch my hand to her head, "you feel a bit warm, you sure you aren't sick and making stuff up?"

Jetta slaps my arm and sticks out her tongue. We end up walking and taking a break by sitting on the bench near the Ferris Wheel.

"Would you fancy a picture?" A carnie stands in front of us with an old timey camera. I shrug and pull Jetta up from the bench. I point at the Ferris wheel and race over to it. The man sets up his camera and focuses it on the two of us with the Ferris wheel in the background. The man starts to count to three when I come up with the best idea. A little before two, I yell and point at the Ferris wheel, breaking Jetta's smile watching it turn to pure horror. She thought the Ferris wheel was breaking off the hinges. The flash goes off and dust poofs everywhere, taking the picture.

"You're an asshole," Jetta complains and purses her lips. I plant a kiss on her pink lips.

"True, but I'm your asshole." I say and Jetta gives me a creeped out look.

"That's weird... I didn't know you were my asshole,"

"You know what I meant," I cut her off and pay for the picture.


"Ashton, you know you can't do this all the time right?" Michael asks after I calmed down. We sat on my bed just to think. I nod, not wanting to imagine the worst possibility right now.

"Never again Michael, I promise."

Now to get Jetta off of my mind. I have 2 choices.

1.) Get rid of all the evidence


2.) Live with the pain

I'm leaning towards number two.


'How we gonna undo all the pain?'

'When I close my eyes and try to sleep'

'I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe'

'You're the reason, the only reason'

I'm dead... The song fits a bit and I'm fangirling EEKKKK!

guys-I'm like 300 reads away from 10K! and btw, the book is almost over... Maybe 3-5 more chapters with an epilogue. I have the last chapter done and I'm about 97% done with the epilogue... :)

What? I like to plan ahead

Thanks love you! :*


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