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                                                            ~~ NOTE: FILER CHAPTER~~

Jetta's POV:

"What do you see that you like Ade?" I had out a Toys-R-Us ad that came in the mail. Christmas was coming up soon and I had no idea what to get Adelyn. I know she was only about three months old, but still. She's a kid and needs at least some toys. I'm starting to run out of money and I don't want to keep borrowing off of Brittany, so maybe I will get a job.

"Daaa!" Adelyn squealed and pointed at a giant teddy bear. The bear looked like it was bigger than me! I laughed and grabbed my phone, setting up a text to Michael to see if he was able to come over.

J-Hey r u able 2 come over? :)

I layed my phone back down and went back to looking and circling things in the ad. I had nothing to do and I was so bored. Brittany was going to be working until 5:00. I even looked in other ads to find things for Brittany and all the boys. They all deserve something for helping with Adelyn and such things. After circling a baby toy with different colored blocks included in it, I got a text back from Michael.

M-Yup be over in a few ;)

J-K c ya then

I sent my message and crinkled my nose. Ugh-Adelyn's diaper. Her face was plastered with a big grin. It looks even more funny with her not having teeth. "Great. Time for a diaper change missy."


 "You want to get a job? What about Adelyn?" Michael asked rubbing his fingers across my hands. "I'm not sure. I don't want to keep borrowing money from Britt. I want to be able to earn my own. I've never had a real job before, other than taking the neighbor's dog out while they were on vacation. Do you think it's a good idea?" I raised my eyebrow, awaiting his answer.

"It's not up to me Jetta. It's your life-your choice," Michael twisted a piece of my hair, "If you want we can start on resumaes to guarentee you a job. I bet Luke has a friend that will hire you imeadiately. He has been saying that they need more employees."

"There would be great Michael thanks!" I left a kiss on his cheek and got up to phone Luke.  The dial tone sounded four times after he finally picked up.

"Hey Jetta, what's up?"

"Hey Luke, I just have a quick question. Do you know anyone who's hiring? I need to find a job." I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. "Erm, hold on a sec. Let me text him really quick." I replied with a 'kay' and waited for Luke to get an answer from his friend.

Three minutes passed with Luke and I talking about Christmas and Adelyn until he said he got a text back. "He said, 'Yes we do need workers. If she would like to work here then we would be glad to welcome her back into the family.' You got a job Jetta!"

I fist pumped and cheered silently in my head, "Oh my gosh, thank you so much Luke! I owe you one!" We both exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone. I ran out to Michael in the living room. "I GOT A JOB!!" He hopped up and hugged me.

"Congrats! I would love to stay longer, but I have to go. Sorry. Mum just called while you were in the other room and said I need to go see my grandparents while they are visiting. Love you." Michael explained and left a peck on the corner of my lips.

Are those butterflies back-but for another person? Am I actually moving on?

Anoynomus POV:

"It's go time. She's going to take the job"

"Great work mate, now all she has to do is follow her heart." 

"It won't be that hard, she's known it all along. She still loves him a lot. He's just been a dick."

"Yes, yes, he's been like that for a while now. Just tell her she starts tomorrow and where to meet me at."

"And where is that again? I forget."

"The back door, near the drive-through. That's where she will get her uniform and where she will get her orientation. Can you remember that much?"

"Got it."

"Part 2 is underway." I hung up the phone and rested back into my comfy recliner. I sighed and thought about how tomorrow was going to play out. I grabbed my guitar from it's stand and tuned a few of the strings. My plan is going perfectly so far. Nothing is going to ruin it.


OHHHHH WHO DO YOU GUY THINK THE ANOYNOMOUS GUY WAS AND WHO THEY WERE TALKING TO!? Sorry for the caps and the long wait.... I had really bad writers block and now i fixed it-hopefully. Sorry this chapter is so short... I just wrote it today. I can't write fast. Well now I have to go dress shopping with my sister so bye!!

Ps: I think im gonna change my username so be on the lookout for that. It may mess the story up but i will fix it if it does. (Morg_than_this)


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