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Jetta's POV:

Brittany bit her lip and tried to hold back angry tears, "Child Services took her. Way to go Jetta. Happy Fucking Birthday."


"What do you mean they took her? You're just fucking with me, where is she?" I growled. This better be a joke. Ashton still stood beside me and wrapped his arms back around my waist as he saw me wanting to approach my former best friend.

Brittany choked on her tears and stood up, "Why would I lie to you? I'm your best friend! Your daughter is gone because you went out and got drunk! It was bound to happen sometime, Jetta! Adelyn was going to be taken away because you're too young to have a child. Eighteen isn't a normal age to have a child at. Normal is like in your late twenties to early thirties."

I was surprised. She has never blown up on me like that before... Britt has always been on my side and has loved Adelyn ever since she was born. Maybe that's been an act. Maybe I've never really had a best friend. Maybe she just stuck with me because she was forced to. How the hell do I know.

I took a deep and shallow breath, "Do you hate me or something? I thought we were friends. Best friends to be exact!"

With tears flowing down her cheeks, Brittany shrugged, "I don't even know anymore. Lately you've been acting like a total slut. Hooking up with Michael and then going to Ashton. Who knows? You might even be pregnant with another one of Ashton's children! You guys did hook up after the Christmas party."




"What you never told him? Pshhh what a girlfriend you are." Brittany wiped her tears and snorted. Ashton let go of his grip around my waist. "Jetta, tell me this isn't true." he spoke with a pained voice. I pursed my lips, staying silent. I opened my mouth a few times to speak, but nothing ever came out.

Ashton closed his eyes and pinched the skin between his eyes, "So it's true. Why didn't you just tell me? When did it happen? How did I not know? I'm so confused right now, just AGHHHHHH!" Ashton screamed and punched the nearest wall, leaving a dent in it. He stormed over to the door, "Don't you dare come after me. I don't want to see your fucking face after you lied right to mine. I don't want to see you. You are a slut, Brittany is right. Just go hook up with Michael, I guess he won the bet now." he slammed the door in my face as I yelled through the door to him.

"Ashton wait come back! No, no, this isn't happening. Wait, what bet are you talking about?!" I flung the door open and ran down the stairs after him. By the time I reached the downstairs lobby, he was already gone from sight. Running back upstairs, I tried opening the door to the apartment, but it wouldn't budge.

"Britt, open the door! It's three in the fucking morning!" I yelled and pounded on the door.

She shouted from the opposite side of the door, "No Jetta, you ruined your chances with anybody who ever you thought were your friends. Ashton gave up on you for about the second time now, Luke will hate you because of what I tell him about you, you can tell that I hate you apparently, Calum-well who knows about Calum, and Michael-maybe Michael is stupid enough to take you back and deal with your pathetic life. Get out you can't live here anymore! This isn't your apartment anymore!"

I was speechless. I didn't know what to do so I walked down through the lobby doors and outside into the now pouring rain. I wrapped my arms around my now shivering body and trudged my way down the streets of Sydney. Passing cars splashed rainwater all over me as the wind blew harder. The nearing nipping cold made my hands tremble and influence my teeth to chatter. I walked for a while before collapsing on a nearby bus stop bench. I sat there and cried for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. I looked at my hands, which were turning blue from the cold. I shakily got up from the bench and made my way further downtown to the worst place I could go.

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