Please Read! Important!!

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Okay I haven't been on here in a while.

I've had softball and volleyball, been at friends houses, had friends over here, and even ate everything out of my fridge... sorry mom and dad.

BUUTTTTT, the thing is. I have no idea what to write next. My brain hurts even thinking about how to make this lead up to the ending I have written. Soooo I need your help (sorry for sounding like Dora)

Can you guys comment anything, and I mean anything that the boys could do while in America? I need ideas to write off of and I will dedicate a chapter to you or even vote for an entire story of yours, I just really need help...

I'm sorry again for not being there to update for the ones who are really excited when I add another chapter... its fully my fault and my stupid mind's.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment something that Ash, Mikey, Cal, and Luke could do in America to have fun. But the only thing is that Ashton can't meet Jetta... Sorry...oh and put a place on the One Direction Tour they preformed at (like Pittsburgh, PA-the closest tour to me that I didn't get to go to..... :'( )

Thanks you guys!

You guys are amazeballs (as Michael would say bc he's cute like that x)

Love you guys soooo much! bye :)


Baby, I'm Amazed By You (5SOS Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें